- We managed to scrape together eight volunteers. 我们好不容易凑齐八名志愿者。
- I was able to scrape together the money I needed. 我募集到了需要的资金。
- Happiness is some broken memory to scrape together. 幸福/快乐;是一些破碎的记忆拼凑而成的.
- Joe is trying to scrape together enough money to go on vacation. 乔试着积蓄足够的钱好去度假。
- Managed to scrape together enough cash to buy two tickets. 他费了好大劲才凑到足够买两张票的钱。
- I'll have to scrape together some money for a sight-seeing trip. 我得积蓄点钱去旅游。
- He have scrape together enough money to buy a car. 他已凑足了买一辆汽车的钱。
- He finally managed to scrape together one hundred silver dollars. It had taken him three whole years. 整整的三年,他凑足了一百块钱!
- Others wonder how to scrape together cash for even the affordable new homes promised by the government. 有些人还在想怎样东拼西凑才能买得起政府承诺的新房子。
- It took four rounds of voting for Mr Topi to scrape together the three-fifths majority he needed to win. 经过四轮投票之后,托皮才凑足了法定的五分之三多数,从而赢得选举。
- Sally has to scrape together some money for the house dues to be eligible for social functions. 莎莉必须凑集一些钱,以缴付姊妹会会费,俾可参加该会的社交活动。
- The decurions of every town had to scrape together gold which was presented originally in the form of crowns (aurum coronarium). 每座城市的议事会长收集原先要做成王冠形的黄金。
- I knew how hard Dad worked to scrape together enough money for my accordion and lessons.But the one time he was able to come to a competition, I let him down. 我知道,为了我的手风琴和琴课,父亲是多么辛苦工作才勉强凑够钱的。
- Billy just managed to scrape through the larder window. 比利勉勉强强地钻过了食品储藏室的窗户。
- I manage to scrape a living by selling my pictures. 我靠卖画 口。
- With the kitchen blinds drawn and all the shades pulled down to the sills, he permitted a light and he talked to Frank in swift jerky sentences as Scarlett hurried about, trying to scrape together a meal for him. 直到厨房里的百叶窗被放下来,所有的帘子也都拉到了底之后,托尼才允许点上一支蜡烛,向弗兰克急急忙忙说起来,思嘉则在一旁忙碌着为他张罗吃的。
- He has scraped together enough money to buy a car. 他已凑足了买一辆汽车的钱。
- You've got to scrape up some courage, some daring. 你要竭力鼓起点勇气,鼓起点胆量来。
- I manage to scrape a living by selling my picture. 我靠卖画糊口。
- We had to scrape the barrel to get a full team, and then we lost 6-1. 我们勉强凑成一个队,结果以6比1输了。