- To repair or mend clumsily. 修补得不好。
- To repair or replace the heels,as for shoes. 修鞋跟修理或更换鞋后跟或后掌
- To repair or replace the heels, as for shoes. 修鞋跟修理或更换鞋后跟或后掌
- Dr. Atala and other surgeons hope to use the technique to repair or replace other internal organs. Atala医生和另外的外科医生都希望用现在的技术去修复或替换别的内在器官。
- Let us allow soul to repair or replace any part of the subtle bodies necessary to foster our continued ascent. 让我们容许灵魂去修补和放回培育我们持续提升所必需的精微体任一部份。
- On average a pressure-trapping unloader is about one quarter the cost of a flow actuated to repair or replace. 一般说来,压力集及型减压器的维修/或更换的费用是流量式减压器的四分之一。
- Atala and other surgeons hope to use the technique to repair or replace other internal organs. “在我们院内还有其他许多组织和器官正在研究之中,比如血管,气管,心脏,肝脏,胰腺等。
- To make or mend(boots or shoes). 修制造或修理(长统靴或鞋)
- Let us allow soul to repair or replace any part of the light body that is necessary to foster our continued ascent. 让我们容许灵魂去修补和放回培育我们持续提升所必需的光身体任一部份。
- Transmissions are very expensive to repair or replace, often in the thousands of dollars. 维修或更换变速箱可是很贵的,一般是数千美元吧。
- Describes how the Package Migration Wizard migrates variables, and explains the steps that you can take after migration to repair or enhance variable behavior. 介绍包迁移向导如何迁移变量,以及迁移后可用于修复或增强变量行为的步骤。
- This includes time to notice and respond to the failure, time to repair or replace the failed component, and time to make the replaced component fully operational. 平均返修时间包括发现并处理故障的时间、维修和替换故障部件的时间以及使替换部件完全正常运转的时间。
- She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。
- Acute cartilage injury is one of the most common disorders in orthopaedic clinics.Articular cartilage is known to have a limited capacity to repair or regenerate itself. 关节软骨损伤是临床常见疾病,软骨组织自身修复能力低下,治疗缺乏有效手段,容易导致创伤性关节炎和功能障碍。
- I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repair cars. 我手足无措,不知道怎样修理汽车。
- John managed to repair his car by himself. 约翰设法独力修理自己的汽车。
- He took the watch apart to repair it. 他把手表拆开来修理。
- Do you know how to repair a radio? 你知道怎么修收音机吗?
- It took a long time for him to repair his health. 他过了好长时间才恢复健康。
- He is very practical -- he can make or mend almost anything. 他很能干,他几乎可以制造或修理任何东西。