- To renew a skill. 更新技术;改善
- I want to renew a book that's due today. 我想续借今天到期的一本书。
- To renew a brass lid for sounding pipe of fore peak tank. 更换艘尖舱一只测量管的铜盖。
- White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe spoke of the Hamas move not to renew a ceasefire with Israel. 白宫发言人戈登.;约翰德罗称哈马斯不愿与以色列达成新的停火协议。
- The accident prompted her to renew her insurance. 这一事故促使她为投保续期。
- Which means to show off or display a skill. 就是指显示自己本领的意思。
- You are, I apprehend, ready to renew the contract. 据我理解,你愿意续订这个合同。
- Do you want to renew our contract? 你想续订我们的合同吗?
- I'm here to learn a skill from you. 我是来和您学艺的。
- Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation. 写实的影片基调,让这段压抑又冲突不断的旅程慢慢渗出意在言外的滋味。
- Learning by doing is a good way to learn a skill. 巧的良好方法就是在做中学。
- Has any insurer declined a propoosal from you, or cancelled or refused to renew a policy of yours, or reuiqred special terms to insure, or declined or refused a claim? 是否曾经有其他保险人对你的财产拒绝承保、或取消报单、或拒绝续保、或提出需要增加特别条件承保、或拒绝赔付?
- I have to find a skill suitable for a young man. 总得找门适合小伙子学的手艺呀。
- Has any insurer declined a proposal from you, or cancelled or refused to renew a policy of yours, or required special terms to insure, or declined or refused a claim? 是否曾经有其他保险人对你的现金财产拒绝承保、或取消报单、或拒绝续保、或提出需要增加特别条件承保、或拒绝赔付?
- Command a pirate to improve a skill at a school. 命令一个海盗去学校接受教育以改善一项技术。
- I expect Tom to be a skilled worker. 我期望汤姆做个技术工人。
- The point is there is a difference between an interest and a skill. 这就是兴趣与技能是有区别的。
- We need to renew a carpet. 我们得更换一块地毯。
- Lou yi shou” means to show off a skill. 王渊源:“露一手”就是指在某件事上显示本领。
- A skilled technician takes years to train. 一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。