- Dispatch To put to death summarily. 迅速地杀死、处决。
- To put to death summarily. 迅速地杀死、处决
- To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence. 处死处死,尤指执行法律判决
- Mary, Queen of Scots, was put to death in1587. 苏格兰王后玛丽于1587年被处死。
- The criminals were put to death. 这些罪犯被处死。
- He has authority to put to death lascivious children, still can traffic children it is for slave meretricious. 他有权处死淫荡的儿女,还可以将儿女贩卖为奴隶为娼妓。
- To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs. 处死(坚持信仰者),使殉难折磨某人,尤其是对为宗教献身的人给极刑
- The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决。
- When Arioch, the commander of the king's guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact. 那时,王的护卫长亚略出来,要杀死巴比伦的智慧人,但以理就婉转机敏地向他询问;
- This great hope empowers us to begin now to put to death what's evil in us and to put on Christlike virtues like kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, self-control. 这个极美好的盼望使我们有能力现在就开始治死我们里头的罪,并穿戴基督的美德,就如恩慈、谦卑、温柔、忍耐和节制。
- It is Qing dynasty Decollating Dao as what brother Leng said.The bottom one is used to decollate people,the two piece above are used to put to death by dismembering the body. 却如冷兄所言为清代刑刀,最下面的一把为砍头之用,上面的两柄为凌迟之用,上面的资料说在明代就可以剐1000多刀了。
- Now they are ready to put to sea for the first catch of the year. 现在他们己为今年第一次捕鱼做好出海准备。
- Mary, Queen of Scots, was put to death in 1587. 苏格兰王后玛丽于1587年被处死。
- To put to death; kill. 杀死使某人死亡;杀死
- Mary,Queen of Scots,was put to death in 1587. 苏格兰王后玛丽于1587年被处死。
- To put to death. 处死,杀害
- The prisoner will be put to death at dawn. 罪犯将在黎明时被处死。
- So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death. 于是,孙权处死了关羽父子。
- On the next morning she shall be put to death. 第二天早晨她就得死。
- To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. 滥用,误用使错误或不恰当地使用;误用