- To publish to a file share 发布到文件共享
- Describes ClickOnce deployment, which allows you to publish self-updating Windows applications to a Web server or network file share for simplified installation. 描述ClickOnce部署,该部署使您可以将自行更新的Windows应用程序发布到Web服务器或网络文件共享,以简化安装。
- Explains how to use the Visual Studio tools to publish a Visual Studio Tools for Office solution to a Web site, network file share, or your local computer. 解释如何使用Visual Studio工具将Visual Studio Tools for Office解决方案发布到网站、网络文件共享或本地计算机。
- You could also publish to a UNC share. 也可以发布到UNC共享。
- If you do not specify a file name extension for items that you publish to a SharePoint site, the rsInvalidDataSourceReference error will occur. 如果不为发布到SharePoint站点的项指定文件扩展名,则会发生rsInvalidDataSourceReference错误。
- High on your priorities is the ability to publish to a variety of media. 掌握在不同种类的媒体上发布的能力至关重要。
- Request that the sender post or save the attachment to a file share and then send you the link to that file share. 请求发件人将附件发送或保存到一个文件共享中,并将该文件共享的链接发送给您。
- The process of reading data from or writing data to a file. 从文件中读数据或向文件中写数据的过程。
- For example, you can use a column filter to eliminate large text or image columns that you might not want to publish to a smart device. 例如,您可以使用列筛选器排除不希望发布到智能设备的过大文本或图像列。
- If you wanted to publish to a remote Web site using HTTP or FTP, the Target Location box is where you would specify the remote server URL. 如果要使用HTTP或FTP发布到远程网站,则需要在“目标位置”框中指定远程服务器的URL。
- Back up the certificate to a file. 将证书备份到文件。
- Click Publish to publish the work items that are ready to publish. 单击“发布”发布已准备好发布的工作项。
- Which saves the Transact-SQL script to a file. 将Transact-SQL脚本保存到文件。
- Print all server window output to a file. 将所有服务器窗口输出打印到一个文件。
- To write the GC output to a file. 将GC输出写到文件中。
- Publishing to a Web server is very similar to publishing to a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM; you just need to make a few choices in the Publish Wizard. 发布到Web服务器上与发布到CD-ROM或DVD-ROM上非常相似;您只需要在“发布向导”中做几个选择。
- Changes that might occur to a file or directory. 可能会发生的文件或目录更改。
- First, you open a file and assign it to a variable. 首先,打开文件并把它分配给变量。
- Access to append material to a file or directory. 向文件或目录追加内容的访问权限。
- For access to write to a file or directory. 用于对文件或目录进行写访问。