- To place in a row or rows. 排列排入一排或数排中
- To form or stand in a row or rows. 使成横排形成或站入一排或数排中
- To place in or as if in a coffin. 收殓放入或要放入棺材之中
- To place in or as if in a pocket. 饱入私囊放进或仿佛放进口袋里
- To place in or enclose in a tube. 装管放入管内或用管包住
- To place in a grave or tomb;bury. 埋葬放在墓或坟里;埋
- To place in a particular rank or grade. 鉴定等级。
- To place in a grave or tomb; bury. 埋葬放在墓或坟里;埋
- To place in or as if in a pouch; pocket. 放入袋中放入或似乎放入袋中;封入
- To place in or as if in a tomb or grave. 埋葬放置或如同放置在坟墓中
- To place in a series or row. 成线状排列
- To place in a fund for accumulation. 积累,积聚为积累而放入的资金
- The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排。
- Lights placed in a row along the front of a stage floor. 脚灯舞台的前沿放置一排的灯
- The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix. 行列数行列式或矩阵中行或列的数目
- Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排。
- To place or conceal in a secure place. 隐藏放置或隐藏在安全的地方
- The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row. 这队一连五次取得胜利。
- The team notched up their third victory in a row. 该队连续三次获胜。
- Fitted with a handle; easy to place in a drawer, on a shelf or on a worktop. 装有把手;便于放在抽屉中、搁板上或操作台上。