- Anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky. 任何允诺支付太多的事情都不免有风险。
- The stock market always seems to be afraid of Lloyd's to pay too much for its competitors. 股票市场的反应似乎总是害怕劳埃德为其竞争对手付出太多。
- In a bizarre memorandum in early 1971 Haldeman instructed the staff not to pay too much attention to substantive details in our records of Presidential conversations. 在1971年初的一份奇怪的备忘录中,霍尔德曼指示工作人员不要过多注意总统谈话记录中的实质性细节。
- To remain financially viable, an insurance company must be sure never to pay for losses not covered by the policy nor to pay too much for each loss. 为了经济上保持正常运行,保险公司必须确保不陪付保单外的损失,也不能向每一个损失陪付地过多。
- They will want to sell the worst assets, and especially the assets that they think the market overestimates (and thus is willing to pay too much for). 银行会选择他们想要出售的资产,当然是最糟糕的资产,尤其是市场高估的资产(买入时付出了过高的价格)。
- My aim is to avoid pay too much tax. 我的目标是避免付过多的税。
- And teachers have tended to pay too much attention to the correctness of English. Therefore many students lost their interest in learning English. 教师更多地注意语言的正确性,这导致不少学生对学习英语失去了兴趣。
- To pay too much. 付得过多
- To pay(someone) too much; compensate excessively. 对(某人)付款过多;过度地赔偿
- But now I have a test for Hu seems more profound understanding, not only to examine for my father, not only for myself, my father a lifetime to pay too much too much. 但是现在我对于考验有了似胡更深刻的理解,勘验不仅仅是为了父亲,也不仅仅是为了我自己,父亲着一辈子为了我付出了太多太多。
- I was shafted into paying too much. 我被骗得多花了钱。
- It paid too much for Unilever's specialty chemicals business and struggled to pay down the debt it incurred by selling its commodity petrochemicals operations at just the wrong point in the cycle. 它在对联合利华的特色化学制品业务投入过多,并且还要努力偿还由于在石油化学制品销售操作中错误运作所遭致的大量债务。
- My aim is to avoid paying too much tax. 我的目标是避免付过多的税。
- anything that promises to pay too much cant help Being risky 凡是保证有高额回报的东西必定都是有风险的
- We pay too much for such a letter of credit arrangement. 这种信用证付款方式让我们花费太大了。
- You canl't pay too much attention to your intonation. 你该多注意你的语调。
- Are industrialized countries paying too much? 工业国是否支付过多?
- Others think Novartis has paid too much. 也有人认为诺华付的太多了。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- It was as much as he could do to pay his way. 他只能做到不负债的地步。