- To mislead the whole world 误尽苍生
- The whole world seemed to be at the party. 聚会上好像每个人都来了。
- He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding. 他似乎能让全世界都听从他的指挥。
- By assaulting it, I intend to mislead the enemy. 我打算用假象欺骗敌人。
- She felt that the whole world was against her. 她觉得人人都跟她作对。
- Like draws to like the whole world over. 物以类聚,世间皆如此。
- But the Olympics belong to the whole world. 而惟有奥林匹克运动会属于整个世界。
- It is universal truth that holds true for the whole world. 这是一条放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。
- His work on the cause of the diseases is of premier importance to the whole world. 他的病理研究工作对全世界至关重要。
- They wanted to revolutionize the whole world. 他们要在全世界发动革命。
- A contrived incident intended to mislead the newspaper. 企图蒙蔽报界的人为事件。
- No cataclysm has desolated the whole world. 没有任何激变曾使整个世界变成荒芜。
- Our staffs shall not engage in unethical sales tactics to mislead the students. 职员不可以实施不道德的销售策略。
- His popularity extends all over in the whole world. 他的声望遍及整个世界。
- It will be declared to the whole world. 它将被昭示中外。
- I would not marry him to gain the whole world. 把整个世界给我,我也不愿嫁给他。
- The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war. 整个世界都会受到核战争的波及。
- And Labour MP Glenda Jackson said: "It is another example of how the Government is attempting to mislead the country and Parliament. 工党议员格伦德·杰克逊对此评价说:"这是另一例绝好的证明,说明了政府是如何试图误导整个国家和议会的。
- All someone kicks the football in the whole world. 全世界都有人踢足球。
- Their purpose is to mislead the public and create confusion in an attempt to realize their dream of dis-membering China, seizing Tibet and finally subverting socialist China. 他们的目的无非是混淆视听,制造混乱,以达到梦寐以求的分裂中国、攫取西藏,进而颠覆社会主义中国的野心。