- To let a beetle pass. 让一只甲虫通过。
- A shame to let a joker like this win. 让这么一个窝囊废赢了真丢丑。
- I wasn't going to let a bug get away that easily. 我决不会轻易的放走任何一只虫子的。
- It won't do to let a child always have its own way. 让小孩自行其是是不行的。
- They stubbornly refuse to let a fall. 摔跤根本不能阻止他们继续攀登。
- How to let a space greaten it seems that? 如何让空间看起来变大?
- The idea is not to let a competitor get you! 而办法就是:不让你的竞争对手占上风!
- You are not going to let a wonderful chance like that slip through your fingers, are you? 你不会错过那样的好机会,对吗?
- She stepped aside to let them pass. 她站到一边让他们走过去。
- Never let a chance to improve your English slip by! 决不要让提高英语水平的机会溜掉了。
- He stepped aside to let me pass. 他站到一边让我过去。
- She stopped at a crossing to let a horse-drawn cart pass noisily on the coBBle stoned street. 她在十字路口停下来,让一辆马车嘈杂地驶过卵石铺的街道。
- It doesn't do to let a child always have its own way. 老让小孩子任性是不行的。
- Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass? 请你站开让我走过去好吗?
- Russian air traffic controllers refused to let a German military flight pass through Russian airspace Wednesday. 俄罗斯空中交通管制人员星期叁拒绝让德国一架军用飞机经过俄罗斯领空。
- I am not the man to let a cause be lost for want of a word. 我这个人是少说一句话也不肯罢休的。
- Make a hole to let the water escape. 弄个洞让水排出。
- He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。
- You pull over to let a fire truck go by, and it stops behind you. 你给消防车让道,消防车却停在你后面不走。
- One day I stopped to let a school bus turn onto a side road. 我停下来让一辆校车能到侧道上去。