- To keep hidden or private. 秘藏以不为人知
- He whistled to his friend to keep hidden. 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。
- He whistled to his friends to keep hidden. 他吹口哨通知他的朋友隐蔽起来。
- Don't poke in when other people prefer to keep hidden. 别人愿意隐秘的事情,不要好奇地去探听。
- Don't poke and pry about into what other people prefer to keep hidden. 别去打听别人想要保守秘密的事。
- I let out a strangled sob and gritted my teeth, leaning my head against the pillar as I fought my heart and soul, to keep them hidden or even dead, but I could not. 我放出一个被勒死的啜泣并且复以砂砾了我的牙齿, 倾斜对抗柱子的我头当我打仗我的完全地, 使他们被藏着或平坦的死,但是我不可以。
- To keep oneself or one's plans hidden. 隐匿使自己或自己的计划不为人所知
- Leased or private, usually referring to communications lines or equipment. 租用的或私人的,通常指的是通信线路或设备。
- A thong or whip of hide or leather. 皮带,皮鞭皮或皮革制成的皮带或鞭子
- To hide or store away in a secret place. 藏匿:藏或贮存于一秘密处所。
- Her portrayal of the Bush family reveals involvement in corruption, drug use and infidelity, as well as other secrets the author argues the family has worked hard to keep hidden for decades. 她对布什家族的描写揭示了其腐败、吸毒、婚外恋以及其他作者认为他们家族苦心经营数十载所要保守的秘密。
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。
- A woman to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed. 红粉知己一个可以对其倾吐秘密或私事的女友
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- I haven't seen hide or hair of them for 20 years at least. 我至少有二十年没见到他们了。
- She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house. 她因年老体弱而足不出户。
- Mary left the house this morning and I haven't seen hide or hair of her since. 玛丽早上离开了家,自那以后我就再也不见她的踪影。
- He got a friend to keep shop for him. 他找了一个朋友替他看店。
- I haven't seen hide or hair of him recently. 我近来连他的影子也没有看到。