- To join(a couple) in marriage. 结婚在婚姻中结成(一对)
- Lots of times you have to pretend to join a parade in which you're not really interested in order to get where you're going. 好多时候,为了要走到你想到的地点,你得假装成参加那一队你实在不感兴趣的行列走。
- I had to join a queue for the toilets. 我只得加入排队等着上厕所。
- I want to join a speech contest. 我想参加一个演讲比赛。
- The client chooses not to join a session. 客户没有选择加入一个会话。
- I'm going to join a health club. 我打算加入一家俱乐部。
- I need to join a health club desperately. 我亟需加入健身俱乐部。
- B: Then it's time for you to join a health club. 那你该去参加健身俱乐部了。
- It might be a good idea to join a fitness center. 您可以参加健身俱乐部。
- I'm going to join a nude sky diving club. 我要去参加裸体花式跳伞俱乐部。
- I've run away to join a different circus. 我已经逃跑去参加另一个马戏团了。
- It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign. 它使我想参加清除活动。
- The President had arranged to join a picnic party. 总统还曾准备参加一个野餐聚会。
- A man joined to a woman in marriage; a male spouse. 丈夫在婚姻中与女性结合的男子; 男性配偶
- He can switch from being nice to nasty in a couple of seconds. 他可以在几秒钟内从一个很和蔼的人变成一个很讨厌的人。
- Which is the most convenient time for you to join a seminar? 在什么时间举行讲座对您最方便?
- I'll be back in a couple of days. 我过几天就回来。
- Varied motives prompt people to join a political party. 各种各样的动机促使人们加入政党。
- Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party. 促使人们加入政党的动机许许多多且各不相同。
- The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days. 叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。