- To head a conspiracy 主谋造反
- Prof Woo was the first Chinese to head a mainstream US university. 吴家玮教授也是首位担任美国主流大学校长的华人。
- I have a long way to go before dark. I'm going to head out. 天黑前我还有很远的路要走,我得上路了。
- It's easy to come up with a conspiracy theory. 要想出一个阴谋论,非常容易。
- A conspiracy to seize the throne. 篡夺王位的阴谋。
- But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy? 但是任这些就能说是构成一个阴谋帮派吗?
- Can you cock your head a bit to the side? 你能把头往边上侧一下吗?
- I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States to head a staff group. 我选派美国伯纳德?H?雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。
- Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him. 卡尔整天带着一副愤恨不平的样子,好像大家都有意怠慢或伤害他。
- She wore on her head a yellow kerchief. 她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。
- I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States, to head a staff group. 我选派美国伯纳德·H·雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。
- Dr Yeoh, 53, will be the second "outsider" to head a policy bureau, following Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung Oi-sie. 53岁的杨永强,是继律政司司长梁爱诗后,第二位非公务员出身的局长级官员。
- S.Interior Department , to head a new office that will moniter monitor the distribution and use of stimulus funds. 背奥巴马的东西有助于听写,因为他每次说话用的词汇和语调都差不多。
- To be a puppy leader, he used to head a group of small animals here and there to explore wonders of the nature. 作为小动物中的头目,他(作者的宠物)常常率领一群小动物到处乱跑,像是在探索自然的奥妙。
- He was implicated in a conspiracy. 他卷入了一宗阴谋。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H . Bieri of the United States to head a staff group. 我选派美国伯纳德?h?雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。
- I would have a chance to head northward quickly. 我很快就有机会去北方了。
- They must be planning a conspiracy. 他们一定在策划一个什么阴谋。
- Dr Yeoh, 53, will be the second "outsider" to head a policy bureau, following Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung Oi-sie. 53岁的杨永强,是继律政司司长梁爱诗后,第二位非公务员出身的局长级官员。