- Despite the inconvenience, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. 尽管有诸多不便,但是他知道,雨会为他的庄稼带来繁茂生长所需的营养。
- Despite the inconvenience(麻烦), he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. 尽管有诸多不便,但是他们知道,雨水会为他们庄稼的茁壮生长提供所需的营养。
- De ite the inconvenience, he know that the rai rovide the ourishment hi cro eed to grow and flourish. 尽管有诸多不便,但是他知道,雨会为他的庄稼带来繁茂生长所需的营养。
- To grow and flourish. 发展生长和繁茂
- It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity. 在共同成熟的过程中,它成长并繁荣了起来。
- As a result,your relationship will grow and flourish. 你们的关系将会因此成长和繁荣。
- Protein helps you to grow and gives you energy . 蛋白质(能)帮助你成长和给你能量。
- As a result, your relationship will grow and flourish. 你们的婚姻生活因此会更加美满且多姿多彩。
- Clematis are relatively easy to grow and care free. 铁线莲相对比较好养。
- The opportunity to grow and learn. 有机会继续成长和学习。
- Some block the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. 一些还有阻滞肿瘤细胞生长和蔓延的能力。
- Complex utilization resource and promotion enterprise to grow and flourish 资源综合利用促企业健康发展
- The plants matured, and cobs began to grow and mature. 庄稼逐渐长大,玉米棒子成熟了。
- Children require proper nutrition to grow and develop. 儿童需要适当的营养来帮助成长和心智发展。
- The relationship between a son and his father changes over time.It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity.It may sour in resented dependence or independence. 父子间的关系是随着岁月的流逝而变化的,它会在彼此成熟的过程中成长兴盛,也会在令人不快的依赖或独立的关系中产生不和。
- To grow or flourish with youth and vigor. 有活力因年轻和活力而茁壮成长
- Our business is ideas.They grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration. 我们的行业,就是创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,最能成长茁壮。
- For Thornton, however, his love seemed to grow and grow. 然而,他对桑德的爱似乎在不断增长。
- The plants matured and cobs began to grow and mature. 庄稼逐渐长大,玉米棒子成熟了。
- Our business is ideas. They grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration. 我们的行业,就是创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,注意能茁壮成长。