- To flee to another country 流亡异域
- People often migrate to another country to find work. 人们经常迁往另一个国家去找工作。
- It is difficult to get used to another country's customs. 要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。
- The scientist defected to another country. 那名科学家叛逃到另一国家了。
- Sade had to flee to Italy again. 萨德逃往意大利。
- You need a passport to travel to another country. 你到别的国家去旅行,你需要一本护照。
- It's difficult to get used to another country's customs. 习惯另一个国家的习俗通常很难。
- When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. 有人在这城逼迫你们,就逃到那城去。
- In short, for seventeen centuries, on and off, the exiled Jews were persecuted, massacred, or made to flee for their lives from one country to another. 总之,在漫长的十七个世纪中,流浪的犹太人被迫害、被屠杀,或者是从一个国家逃往另一个国家。
- The Chinese Indonesians are now forced to flee to country and the investors are afraid. 华裔印度尼西亚人被逼逃难,投资者心有余悸。
- But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of YHWH. 约拿却起来,逃往他施去躲避耶和华;下到约帕,遇见一只船,要往他施去。
- The Panchen Lama was forced to flee to Lhasa once again. 班禅喇嘛再次逃往拉萨。
- A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty. (领土的)割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土
- Jason, who had usurped the office of his brother, was now supplanted by another, and had to flee to the land of Ammon. 如此,以前曾推翻自己哥哥的雅松,今也被人推翻,被迫逃到阿孟人的地方去。
- The criminal has already fled to another part of the country. 这个罪犯已经逃窜外地。
- The ICRC said people are trapped and unable to flee to areas of safety. 红十字国际委员会说,人们被困在加沙,无法逃到安全区域。
- National policies cannot be made hostage to another country. 国家政策不能做为其他国家的谈判筹码。
- People with invalid papers are deported to another country. 持无效证件的人被驱逐到别国。
- Would you like to transfer money to another country? 您是想向其他国家做转帐汇款吗?
- He was lucky to flee the burning hotel. 他很幸运逃出了失火的旅馆。