- Wishing to fill up with water,we stood in. 我们想装满淡水,于是便朝岸边驶去。
- I went to the gas station to fill up with gasoline. 我去加油站加满汽油。
- His office began to fill up with people. 他的办公室里挤满了人。
- Wishing to fill up with water, we stood in. 我们想装满淡水,于是便朝岸边驶去。
- The hall began to fill up with people little by little. 大厅逐渐地挤满人潮。
- To fill up with items 装满:用东西装满
- Still, there is growing concern that California's prisons are beginning to fill up with minor offenders. 尽管如此,轻微罪行的犯人开始挤满加州监狱引起人们越来越多的忧虑。
- The driver asked the garage man to fill up his car. 那司机叫汽车库工人给他的车加油。
- It is also initially blank, but as you work it will be filled up with items that can be used for the task you are currently working on. 虽然该选项卡最初也是空的,但是当您工作时,其中就会填满可用于您当前正在执行的任务的项。
- To fill up(an area) with buildings. 在(一个地区)盖满楼房
- Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money-box. 只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。
- To watch his woods fill up with snow. 欣赏他披上雪装的树林。
- To watsh his woods fill up with snow. 赏雪覆满林。
- Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole. 只要填些旧砖就可以补上这个洞。
- The canal would soon fill up with mud if not regularly dredged. 这条运河如果不经常疏浚,就会淤塞。
- I need to fill the car up with petrol. 我需要给车加满汽油。
- The place was beginning to fill up with bathers coming to enjoy a cocktail or two after having done their duty by the sun and the sea. 这时,泳客们完成了太阳与海水交给他们的任务,便进来喝一两杯鸡尾酒,屋里的人开始越来越多。
- Down power to inflate and fill up with air. 蓬松度是指羽绒蓄含空气和膨胀的能力。
- He watched his woods filled up with snow. 他眼看着他的树林渐渐被雪覆盖。
- Only thrifty child manages to fill up a money-box. 只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。