- To emit or lose blood. 出血或流血
- Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输於我都一样。
- To emit a dim or intermittent light. 发出微光发出暗淡或柔和的光
- To emit(light, for example) in or as if in rays. 放射以射线或象以射线一样发出(光)
- To emit a low, guttural sound or utterance. 嘟哝喉间发出低沉的声音或叫喊
- To emit a low,guttural sound or utterance. 他发出了几声喉音。
- It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. 工厂向大气中排放黑烟现在是违法的。
- To cause to droop or lose freshness. 使软垂,使枯萎,使调谢
- Whether they win or lose are all the same to me. 他们是赢是输于我都一样。
- To spoil or lose through ineptitude. 因无能而坏事或受损
- To win or lose(money) by gambling with dice. 掷骰子赌输赢掷骰子赌博来赢或输
- To cause to emit a flash of light. 使发出闪光,使闪耀
- To emit a hollow, twanging sound. 发出嘭的一声发出一种中空的咚咚的声音
- The members of the team always play fair, win or lose. 不论比赛是输是赢,那个队的队员总是规规矩矩的。
- To emit(light) in slight, intermittent gleams. 发出微弱间歇的(光)
- To emit a sharp, high - pitched bark;yelp. 吠,叫喊发出尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊
- The metal container began to emit a clicking sound. 金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。
- I've told my children they must toe the line with regard to house rules or lose some of the freedom they presently enjoy. 我告诉孩子们必须遵守家规,要不他们就会失去目前享有的某些自由。
- To emit a sharp,high - pitched bark;yelp. 吠,叫喊发出尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊
- He does not care whether he wins or loses. 他不在乎是否他赢或输。