- To eat with pleasure. 高兴地吃
- You are welcome to eat with us, but you'll have to take pot luck. 欢迎你和我们一起吃饭,可要有什麽吃什麽。
- Eat with pleasure, drink with measure. 吃饭随意,饮酒适量。
- The king condescended to eat with the beggars. 那国王屈尊和乞丐们共餐。
- Can you manage to eat with chopsticks? 你用筷子吃行吗?
- Will you like to eat with chopsticks ? 您愿意用筷子吗?
- It's very rude to eat with your mouth open. 张嘴吃东西很没有礼貌。
- Would you like to eat with chopsticks? 你愿意用筷子吗?
- The general condescended to eat with the soldiers. 这位将军屈尊与士兵一同进餐。
- The man began to eat with avidity. 那人贪婪地吃起来。
- Ask Johnny Fontane and Nino up to eat with us. 先请约翰呢 - 方檀和尼诺两个同咱们一道吃饭。
- What is Monseigneur to eat with now? 我的主教现在用什么东西盛饭菜呢?”
- My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks. 我的一位美国朋友在学着用筷子吃饭。
- He was being trained by his mother to eat with a spoon. 他母亲一直在训练他用调羹吃东西。
- He 's got used to eating with chopsticks . 他已习惯于用筷子吃饭了。
- They fell to eating with great gusto. 他们开始津津有味地大吃起来。
- The farmer twisted off a piece of bread to eat with his cheese. 那个农夫掰下一块面包就着乳酪吃起来了。
- He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music. 他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。
- It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday. 据说这位将军每周日都要屈尊与士兵们一同进餐。
- But perhaps most important, eat with pleasure, because eating with anxiety leads to poor digestion and bingeing. 但也许最重要的是应带着愉悦的心情进食,因为焦虑不安地进食会导致消化不良和暴饮暴食。