- to send; to dispatch; to despatch; to detail; to detach 派遣
- He is eager to dispatch the matter in hand. 他急于了结手头的事情。
- We are anxious to dispatch a business in hand. 我方急于办完手头一项业务。
- The exception to dispatch to the server. 要调度到服务器的异常。
- Matier sends him off to dispatch Arius. 玛蒂尔派遣但丁去追寻阿里纳斯。
- To dispatch; to despatch 寄出、发出、运出
- It requires code to dispatch the telex. 发电报需要代码。
- America wants its NATO allies to dispatch reinforcements, too. 美国希望北约盟国也派遣增援部队。
- Can you try your best to despatch the goods before time? 你们能不能设法提前交货?
- We must ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately. 我们必须要求你立即发送该批货物。
- To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. 寄送,托运派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人
- To dispatch authenticated warranty cards to customers. 分发已鉴定的保证书给客户;
- To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. 寄送,托运:派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人。
- To dispatch the commit holdup to a thread from the thread pool. 以将延迟的提交分配给来自线程池的线程。
- Beauchamp understood that nothing remained but to submit, and left the office to despatch a courier to Morcerf. 波尚知道除了忍气吞声以外再没有别的办法,就离开报馆派人去找马尔塞夫。
- The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous LDAP search. 分派异步LDAP搜索失败次数。
- He wishes company to dispatch him to the branch in Suzhou. 他希望公司能将到调到苏州的分部"将到"是"将他"吧?
- An assassin was to dispatch the president and his aide. 一名杀手将要暗杀总统和他的副手。
- Mr Dance stood there as he said, 'like a fish out of water,' and all he could do was to despatch a man to B - to warn the cutter. 丹斯先生站在那里,用他自己的话来说,“就像离了水的鱼一样束手无策”。 他唯一能做的就是派人去B镇,请求快艇拦截。
- But would you require a wretched being, whose life is slowly wasting under a lingering disease, to despatch himself at once by the stroke of a dagger? 可是,假如一个不幸的人正被日益恶化的疾病慢慢耗去生命而无法阻挡,你能要求他自己捅上一刀,一劳永逸地结束其痛苦吗?