- To conclude this endless pain. 来终结这无尽的苦痛。
- You must strive to conclude this stage also in two to three weeks. 此阶段亦须争取于两个至三个星期内完结。
- And so what does the Hibiscus Flower Kingdom wish to conclude this essay with? 而木槿花王国想以什么来结束这篇短文?
- It would be wrong to conclude this examination of the data bridge without some acknowledgment of another reality. 如果不了解另外一个事实便结束对数据桥梁的调查便会铸成错误。
- Not that we have no desire to conclude this business,but that we see no way to change the price as requested. 并非我们不愿意交易,只是无法按要求调价。
- Not that we have no desire to conclude this business,but that we see on way to change the price as you request. 我们并非不愿意交易,只是无法按要求调价。
- We appreciate your co-operation and hope to conclude this transaction with you as soon as possible. 我们感谢你方的合作,并希望与你方尽早做成这笔交易。
- Not that we have no desire to conclude this business, but that we see no way to change the price as requested. 并非我们不愿意交易,只是无法按要求调价。
- Not that we have no desire to conclude this business, but that we see on way to change the price as you request. 我们并非不愿意交易,只是无法按要求调价。
- To conclude this rather long line of reasoning, let us first sum up the main points. 作为这一段相当长的说理的总结,让我们先归纳一下主要之点。
- And so what does the Salt Mineral Kingdom and sea wish to conclude this essay with? 那么盐矿物王国与海洋希望以什么作为此篇文章的结束呢?
- Lastly, to conclude this part; as we said in the beginning, that the act of envy had somewhat in it of witchcraft, so there is no other cure of envy, but the cure of witchcraft; and that is, to remove the lot(as they call it) and to lay it upon another. 最后让笔者赘言几句来结束这个部分。如本文开篇所言,嫉妒行为有几分巫术的性质,因此治嫉妒的最好方法就是治巫术的方法,也就是移开世人所谓的“符咒”, 使之镇在别人头上。
- Goodnight i say it with endless pain. 晚安,我用悲痛诉说着晚安。
- Is it possible to conclude the contract this mouth? 本月内能签订合同吗?
- In order to conclude business, how about to meet us half way? 为了达成交易,我们互相折衷,怎么样?
- All this endless bad news browns me off. 这没完没了的坏消息烦死我了。
- But happiness is always short lived. We only have endless pain. 可惜快乐永远都是短暂的,换来的只是无穷无尽的痛苦和长叹。
- The U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, meanwhile, are unlikely to conclude this year as Washington has hoped. 与此同时,以色列和巴勒斯坦在美国撮合下进行的和平谈判则不大可能像华盛顿希望的那样在今年谈出个结果来。
- But happiness is always a flash of time. We only have endless pain. 可惜快乐永远都是短暂的,换来的只是无穷无尽的痛苦和长叹.
- What do you want to do after you have concluded this transaction? 这笔生意成交之后你想做什么?