- To clarify a matter thoroughly 彻底澄清
- I just need to clarify a few things. 我只需要弄明白一些事情。
- Visual matter used to clarify or decorate a text. 图解,图示用来解释或装饰书本的视觉材料
- Negative standards may be used to clarify a positive standard. 否定标准可用以澄清肯定标准。
- You are good at many different fields, and can come out with fabulous results. You will analyze a matter thoroughly and deeply. 灵敏的触觉,极好的想象力,擅长多个领域并能取得非凡的成就,全面深刻分析问题。
- I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要处理。
- Rules of origin should be Based on a positive standard. Negative standards may be used to clarify a positive standard. 原产地规则应依据肯定标准。否定标准可用以澄清肯定标准。
- This should not be a matter of indifference to you. 这对你而言不能说是无关紧要的事。
- Further studies are necessary to clarify a taxonomy complicated by hybridization and apomixis. 需要进一步的研究验证一种通过杂交和无融合生殖折叠的分类法。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- It was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。
- The Representative wanted to clarify a number of elements of the discussion, after many statements had been made by NGOs at the present session. 在非政府组织在本届会议上作了许多发言之后,该代表想澄清讨论中的几个问题。
- It is too serious a matter to be taken lightly. 这件事十分重要,不可掉以轻心。
- Material used to clarify or explain. 例证被用来说明或解释的材料
- The Chair stated that the Secretariat wanted to clarify a few issues and invited it to respond to some of the points raised by Member States during the discussions. 主席说,秘书处想澄清几个问题并请它对讨论期间成员国提出的几个问题做出回应。
- He likes to intrude into a matter that does not concern him. 他喜欢插手一件与其本人不相干的事。
- There's a point which I should desire to clarify. 有一点我想澄清一下。
- I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter. 我认为有必要把这件事说清楚。
- He issued a statement to clarify the situation. 他发表了一项声明以澄清形势。
- We should go into the matter thoroughly. 我们应当对此事进行彻底调查。