- To civilize people by teaching 教化人民
- Those facilities are intended to civilize people. 那些设施的目的在於教化民众。
- The local government officials took various measures to civilize people to recover the reigning order, which provided precondition for the appearance of "Tongzhi Resurgence". 各级地方官员为尽快恢复统治秩序,采取各种措施教化民众,为“同治中兴”局面的出现提供了前提条件。
- It is unwise to judge people by externals. 以貌取人是不明智的。
- To civilize the barbarous people is not easy. 要使野蛮人开化不是简单的。
- School education helped to civilize the people. 学校教育使人们文明起来。
- 2.Those facilities are intended to civilize people. 那些设施的目的在于教化民众。
- He augments his income by teaching in the evenings. 他晚上去教书以增加收入。
- We characterize people by their appearances. 我们以外表来区分别人。
- Do not judge people by externals alone. 不能仅以貌取人。
- ruling people by teaching or culture 黄帝文治
- I often give offence to people by mistake. 我常由于犯错而惹火别人。
- The new religion was thrust upon the people by force. 这个新的宗教是强迫人们接受的。
- They tried to civilize the natives. 他们企图教化土人。
- Society reclaims criminals by teaching them skills. 社会通过教给罪犯技能来改造他们。
- It takes years to civilize a racial war area. 使一个有种族冲突的地区接受文明,需要多年的时间。
- He augments his income by teaching in the evening. 他通过晚上教书来增加收入。
- Mr. Bush earns his living by teaching. 布什先生以教书为生。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 诈骗罪属于民法。
- He judge people by mere external clothes rather than internal character. 他判断人只靠着外表的衣服而不是内在的品格。