- To cease military preparations 偃息武备
- The two camps made a bargain to cease fire. 双方阵营订了停火的协定。
- To cease or suspend an action temporarily. 暂停,中止暂时性的停止或终止某一行动
- He was going to cease working for them. 他将不再为他们干活。
- He ordered his men to cease fire(= stop shooting). 他命令手下人停止射击。
- How to Cease and Avoid Price War? 恶性价格战怎么治?
- The two sides agreed to cease fire. 如:双方同意停火。
- Let go, means to cease to employ; dismiss. 是指不再雇用;解雇的意思。
- The name of the event you want to cease handling. 要停止处理的事件的名称。
- To cease doing something;forbear. 忍住,克制停止做某事;克制,避免
- To cease living;become dead;expire. 死停止生存;死亡;断气
- The general ordered his troops to cease fire. 那位将军命令他的军队停火。
- To cease doing something; forbear. 忍住,克制停止做某事;克制,避免
- To cease living or functioning; die. 停止活着或行动;死了
- To cease living; become dead; expire. 死停止生存;死亡;断气
- To cease providing effective service or function. 停止提供有效服务和功能。
- For the chief measures in the preparatory phase are the military preparations for withdrawal and the political mobilization for them. 因为准备阶段中的主要步骤,就是军事上的准备退却,和为着准备退却的政治上的动员。
- To cease to function as an organization; disperse. 解散,遣散终止如某一组织的职能;驱散
- There is a constant hum of military preparation. 军事准备一直在忙碌地进行。
- To cease to occupy or hold; give up. 使空出,腾出,搬出使不再拥有或占有;放弃