- To cause to be ready. 使准备就绪
- To cause to be meek or modest in spirit. 使柔顺,使谦和使(别人)在精神上显得温顺或谦卑
- To cause to be annoyed or resentful. 惹恼使气恼或恼怒
- To cause to be bewildered;confuse. 使迷惑;使茫然
- To cause to be or feel ill;sicken. 使厌恶引起厌恶,使感到厌恶、恶心
- To cause to be at a disadvantage;impede. 妨碍,阻止使处在不利地位;妨碍,阻止
- To cause to be doubted or distrusted. 使被怀疑;使不可置信。
- To cause to be out of or short of breath. 使喘息使气急或使呼吸困难。
- To cause to be at a disadvantage; impede. 妨碍,阻止使处在不利地位;妨碍,阻止
- To cause to be bewildered; confuse. 使迷惑;使茫然
- To cause to be engrossed in thought. 使全神贯注陷于沉思
- To cause to be in a detached or isolated position. 隔离使处于孤立或隔绝的位置
- To cause to be or feel ill; sicken. 使厌恶引起厌恶,使感到厌恶、恶心
- To cause to be permeated or diffused; steep. 浸,泡使被渗透或扩散;湿透
- To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole. 使与周围变成一个整体
- To cause to be overcome, as with fright or astonishment. 吓倒,使为难使为难,如因害怕或惊吓
- The potatoes are ready to be dug up. 快要收获土豆了。
- To cause to be inserted by repeated or continuous effort. 努力插入经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去
- The store sold off its summer stock to be ready for the winter goods. 那家商店廉价出清夏秀存货,准备进冬季货物。
- If you want to be ready on time,you'd better hurry. 如果你要按时准备好,你最好赶快做。