- He told me which horse to bet on. 他告诉我该对哪匹赛马下注。
- Mr.Singleton wants to bet with you on the election. 辛莱顿先生想就这次选举和你打赌。
- To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc. 在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。
- To bet(an original wager and its winnings) on a subsequent event. 再押在下一局赌博中押上(原先的赌金和赢得的赌注)
- It would be fitting to bet something personal. 以随身之物作赌注岂不更合适些。
- The best bet is to bet on yourself. 最好的赌就是和自己打赌。
- I am willing to bet he will lose. 我愿意赌他输。
- Americans like to bet on football games. 美国人喜欢对足球赛打赌。
- To bet more than (a preceding bettor in poker). 加注超过他人:下赌注超过(扑克牌游戏中前者的赌注)
- Warmer than spring wine, you hint how to bet. 隔座送钩春酒暖
- He has risked losing money to bet on the horse. 他冒了输钱的风险而押了那匹马。
- To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest. 赌博:在某一不确定的结果上下赌注,象在比赛上。
- How much do you want to bet on this game? 这局你想押多少?
- To bet more than(a preceding bettor in poker). 加注超过他人下赌注超过(扑克牌游戏中前者的赌注)
- Americans like to bet on football games . 美国人喜欢对足球赛打赌。
- It is foolish to bet on horses . 为赛马而赌是愚蠢的。
- It is legal to bet on sports in Las Vegas. (在赌城拉斯维加斯,运动赌博是合法的。)
- Why would I want to bet that flop? 为什么我会倾向于在翻牌圈下注?
- It would be unwise, however, to bet against China. 然而,就以此来否定中国是不明智的。
- George began borrowing small sum of money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he was in deep. 乔治开始只借少量的钱赌马,但未等他明白过来,已经陷得很深了。