- To allow someone to go in 允许某人进入
- Document give by a court to allow someone to deal with the estate of a person who have die without leave a will or where the executor appointed under the will cannot act. 法院所给的文件,它允许某人处理未留遗嘱已故人员房地产或在遗嘱中所委派执行者不能行为情况下这么做。
- We will have to go in rain or fine. 无论晴天下雨,我们都得去。
- Nancy gave up her teaching career to go in the stage. 南希放弃了教学生涯去当演员了。
- To allow someone to practise as a solicitor 允许进入律师界,允许某人作为初级律师开业
- He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus. 他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。
- Brown asked his friend to go in with him on the purchase of a ship. 布朗要他的朋友和他合伙买进一条船。
- She may have asked Gandalf, as an emissary of the Valar, to allow Frodo to go in her stead. 后来当阿拉贡乘着海岛船在3019年的3月15日来到帕兰诺平原,他打开了这面旗帜。
- Instead of cordoning off the spill, survivors say police took bribes to allow people to go in with jerrycans. 幸存者讲道,警察并没有用警戒线将漏出的汽油隔开,而是收到了当地人的贿赂,结果允许这些人过来把溢出的汽油铲到自己的小油罐中。
- She stood in the doorway, unable to decide whether to go in. 她站在门口,拿不定主意是否进去。
- Document give by a court to allow someone to deal with the estate of a person who have die without leave a will or where the executor appointed under the will cannot act 法院所给的文件, 它允许某人处理未留遗嘱已故人员房地产或在遗嘱中所委派执行者不能行为情况下这么做。
- You want someone to go away and not to come back? 你想要某人走开并且别再来?
- If you are to go in the excursion, you must make ready the night beforehand. 如果你们要去旅行,就得在头一天晚上做好准备。
- The problem is who are to go in the first batch. 问题是谁第一批去。
- Don't you want someone to go along with you? 你不想要谁和你一道去吗?
- Dad wants me to go in before it gets dark. 爸爸要我天黑前进屋。
- He knows enough to go in when it rains. 他懂得很好地照顾自己。
- Am I afraid that keeping this secret may allow someone to be harmed? 保守这个秘密是担心可能让某人受到伤害吗?
- Documents given by a court to allow someone to deal with the estate of a person who has died without leaving a will or where the executor appointed under the will cannot act 法院所给的文件,它允许某人处理未留遗嘱已故人员房地产或在遗嘱中所委派执行者不能行为情况下这么做
- He steeled his heart to go in and say he was sorry. 他硬着头皮进去道歉。