- To accumulate a hoard of. 积聚一仓库东西
- To gather or accumulate a hoard. 贮藏收集或积累入贮藏处
- They set out to accumulate a huge mass of data. 他们开始积累大量的资料。
- They dug up a hoard of Roman coins. 他们挖出了一批埋藏的古罗马硬币。
- They have a hoard of food in the basement. 地下室里有他们贮藏的食物。
- Yes, it would be wonderful to accumulate a seven-figure nest egg. 确实,如果能计算着7位数的存款将是多么美妙。
- They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data. 他们开始累积大量的资料。
- Some unfortunate bosses can expect to receive a hoard of resignation letters in the next few weeks following the Spring Festival holiday. 一些“不幸”的公司老板们在春节后的几周内可能要收到一大摞辞职报告。
- Give me a hoard of Nod's elite guards, those I can handle and beat, but this Tiberian plague is hard to grasp. 我不知道从哪里入手,在这件事上我只能依靠那些专门研究这个的科学家和医生。
- To accumulate as a hobby or for study. 收集作为一个爱好或为学习而聚积
- Remember to accumulate a surplus and don't be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly. 积累你的盈利,并且不要过于快速地增加交易仓位。
- They feed almost constantly during daylight to accumulate a layer of fat that will burn slowly through the cold night. 他们在白天几乎不停地进食来积聚一层脂肪,用来在寒冷的夜晚慢慢消耗。
- To accumulate a long time, so the Gobi aquifer below thickening, water reserves, and for qanat provide rich sources of water. 积聚日久,使戈壁下面含水层加厚,水储量大,为坎儿井提供了丰富的水源。
- They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data . 他们已开始积累大量的资料。
- I seem to have accumulated a lot of books. 我好像已经收集了很多书。
- Halophytes are adapted to obtain water from soil water with a higher osmotic pressure than normal soil water, so they need to be able to accumulate a high concentration of salts in their root cells. 盐土植物的渗透压高于土壤,这样就可以从土壤中吸收水分,所以它们的根细胞中积累了高浓度的盐分。
- It is difficult to accumulate a large number of data with high quality in operational risk.Naive Bayes classifier is the one of best classifiers used to small data set classification. 摘要 操作风险数据积累比较困难,而且往往不完整,朴素贝叶斯分类器是目前进行小样本分类最优秀的分类器之一,适合于操作风险等级预测。
- He accumulated a lot of experience in finance while work abroad. 在海外工作期间他积累了许多金融方面的经验。
- Fluid tends to accumulate beneath the flaps. 液体倾向于积存在皮瓣下。