- To give an account of in speech or writing. 描述口头或书面描述
- The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment. 其目的并不是给出全面彻底的处理。
- To give an explanation that serves to clarify. 阐明提供说明以使清晰
- To give an edge to(a blade); sharpen. 给(刀刃)磨边;使锋利
- It is difficult to give an opinion right away. 很难马上发表看法。
- I'm not prepared to give an opinion. 我没准备要发表意见。
- He was ashamed at being unable to give an answer. 他因不能回答而感到惭愧。
- It's difficult to give an opinion right away. 很难立即发表意见。
- Not to give an answer is tantamount to a refusal. 不回答就等于拒绝。
- At being unable to give an answer. 他因答不出来感到羞耻。
- He was unable to give an answer. 卖矛和盾的人回答不出来了。
- He is invited to give an opening speech. 有人邀请他致开幕词。
- To give an account of(events, for example). 叙述(例如,事件)
- To give an answer in speech or writing. 回答用言语或书写作出回答
- I want to have it send by an urgent telegram. 我想用加急电报把它发出。
- To give an order for; request to be supplied with. 订货下订单;要求供货
- To give an oriental character or appearance to. 东方化赋于一种东方特色或外表
- She was speaking to him in an urgent voice. 她正急迫地跟他说话。
- Today I want to give an overview of those changes. 今天,我想给这些变化一个概述。
- We need to give an accurate estimation. 我们需要事先作出准确的估计。