To Luxun who falls into ethics conflict, he uses brick of death to build the Babel of love with uneasiness and affliction; To Natsume Soseki who dreams in a fair world, he uses the fire of death to smelt the gold of love with loneliness and melancholy.

  • 然而,“爱与死”之于鲁迅和夏目漱石来说又是有所区别的,处于道德困境中的鲁迅是用“死”的砖石来建造“爱”的巴别塔,即“向死而爱”,这其中伴随着一种浓重的焦灼不安和痛苦不堪;而处于“幻影之盾”中的夏目漱石是用“死”的炭火来锻炼“爱”的真金,即“因死见爱”,这其中伴随着一种淡淡的寂寞无奈和悲哀无助。
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