- Establishment of the cell model of endometriosis by tissue mass cell culture of peritoneal red lesions in vitro 子宫内膜异位症腹膜红色病变组织块细胞培养法
- Tissue mass cell culture 组织块培养法
- Advances in studies on tissue and cell culture in medicinal plants of Panax L. 人参属药用植物组织和细胞培养的研究进展。
- Important marine animal cell culture. 重要海洋动物细胞培养.
- Chen, W.H.. 1978. Tissue and cell culture as a tool in sugarcane breeding. M. Phil. Thesis.University of Leicester, U.K. 陈其昌;刘明钦;陈文辉.;1982
- Gradually this tissue mass became loosened and separated from the root cap. 里面逐?u与根冠分离,外部变为相当疏松。
- Quantibody arrays can be used in cell culture supernatant, serum, plasma, CSF, tissue lysate, and other body fluid. Quantibody芯片可用于培养细胞上清、血清、血浆、集落刺激因子、组织匀浆以及其他生物学液体。
- Cell Culture Picture Sunub plate Abroad high quality plate. 细胞培养检测比较图。
- Schwanncell,cell culture,tissue engineering,nerve graft,peripheral nerve,nerve injury,amnion. 01周围神经;神经损伤;神经移植;羊膜;组织工程;雪旺细胞
- Malus Domestica Fruit Cell Culture 9%, Lecithin, Glycerin. 瑞士苹果活妍回春因子9%25、卵磷脂、甘油。
- Results:Model was established more conveniently and successfully by injecting tissue mass suspension.Tumor proliferated rapidly and conformaed to the biological feature of squamous cell carcinoma. 结果:组织块悬液注射法操作简便,成瘤率高,肿瘤增殖旺盛,生物学特征符合乳腺鳞状细胞癌。
- To improve the method of myoblast cell culture in vitro. 改进体外成肌细胞培养方法。
- Mice lacking XOR showed a 50% reduction in fat tissue mass compared to their normal littermates. 缺少XOR的小鼠与其正常的同胞相比显示出脂肪组织重量减少50%25。
- During external dacryocystorhinostomy, a soft tissue mass was visualized in the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct incidentally. 经泪管冲洗检查,回流出许多黏液脓状物,在经诊断为左侧鼻泪管阻塞并发泪囊炎下安排病人进行泪囊鼻腔造屡术。
- This paper reviews the current progress of studies on the application of alginate based tri-dimension cell culture system in bone tissue engineering. 摘要目的综述藻酸盐三维细胞培养系统在骨组织工程中的应用研究进展。
- CT scan showed thicker bronchus wall,bronchostenosis,soft tissue mass behind bronchus and palpable lymph nodes. CT示支气管管壁增厚,管腔狭窄,支气管后方有软组织肿块,淋巴结肿大。
- The general condition, mass cell and degranulation mass cell in nasal mucosa as well as the contents of histamine were determined and compared among all the groups after one week. 结果造模组有明显的喷嚏、流鼻涕和搔鼻等症状,鼻黏膜肥大细胞数、脱颗粒细胞数、血浆组胺明显升高。
- MRI examination revealed destruction of vertebral bodies, extradural soft tissue mass and spinal cord compression. MRI示病变椎体骨质破坏,颈、胸硬膜外软组织肿块,脊髓受压。
- The guidelines in the policy also cover tissue and cell culture, medical diagnostics, industrial microbiology and biochemical engineering. 该政策中的指导方针也覆盖了组织和细胞培养、医学诊断学、工业微生物学和生化工程学。
- Title: Advances in study on antibrowning reagents in cell culture of Taxus L. 关键词:红豆杉属;愈伤组织;细胞悬浮培养;抗褐变剂