- Low grades are get ting Helen down. 考分很低使海纶闷闷不乐。
- Many famous ping pang players have defected to other countries. 许多有名的乒乓球手都为他国效力了。
- She felt a sudden pang of regret. 她突然感到一阵怅惘的痛楚。
- He is banking on get- ting a loan from his father to set up in business. 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。
- The companies will have equal representation on the board, with Tesco poised to name the venture's president and Ting Hsin to retain the chairman and chief executive post. 两家公司在董事会将拥有同样的地位,特易购将派人出任公司总裁,顶新将保留董事长和首席执行官职位。
- Mr. Ting is a grandmaster of science. 丁先生是科学大师。
- Shanghai Tsai Kuo Hsin Hardware Products Co., Ltd. 上海蔡国鑫五金制品有限公司。
- She felt a sudden pang of profound loneliness. 她突然感到一阵痛彻肺腑的寂寞感。
- The armistice did not spare France a pang. 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。
- I go to Hsin Tai Elementary School. 我读新泰国民小学。
- I think they have charged twice for the same ting. 我觉得有一道菜收了两份钱。
- Her words shot a strange pang through Mary's heart. 她的话在玛丽心里引起了一阵特殊的心酸。
- She hunted the house over for her lost ting. 她在房子里搜寻丢失的戒指。
- Pang said the timetable had not been set. 但是具体的时间并没有确定下来.
- She felt an acute pang in his arm. 她感到手臂上一阵剧痛。
- Oh, what a dreadful ting to happen! 哦,发生这样的事是多么的不幸啊!
- A few of the Hymall people will transfer back to Ting Hsin and these people are Joe Lin, Chris Tso, Frank Chen, Maurice Huang, Zhenyu Chen and Jirong Tang. 应顶新要求,将调回顶新的人员是林建宏,左克林,陈坤金,黄南荣,陈振域及唐吉荣。
- A pang of pain had shot through his body. 他感到全身一阵剧痛。
- Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy. 波利感到一阵强烈的嫉妒。