- Time slipped by and the year was soon over. 光阴荏苒,转瞬又是一年。
- Time slipped by. 时间悄悄地过去了。
- Don't let time slip by. 不要让时光白白过去。
- How did a mistake like that slip by the printers? 像那样的一个错误怎么被排字工人忽略过去了呢?
- Time could not slip by too fast. 时间怎么过都不嫌快。
- Never let a chance to improve your English slip by! 决不要让提高英语水平的机会溜掉了。
- Another month has slipped by, and he hasn't finished his novel. 又一个月过去了,他还没有完成他的小说。
- Time slips by . 时光在不知不觉中逝去。
- Little by little time slipped away, and two more years passed by unnoticed. 光阴荏苒,不觉又过了两年。
- A freighter slipped by, heading seaward. 一艘货船朝着海洋方向驶去。
- As the years slipped by, I thought less about him. 随着岁月的流逝,我对他日渐淡忘。
- As the years slipped by,I thought less about him. 随着岁月的流逝,我对他日渐淡忘。
- Many mistakes slipped by the bypist. 这个玩具坏了,扔了吧。
- But the minutes slipped by and Gerald did not come. 但时间一分一秒过去了,杰拉尔德还没回来。
- The after noon slipped by very pleasantly. 一个下午很愉快地就过去了。
- Negro boy slipped by hurrying along the coral road. 沿大路跑过来一个年轻黑人磕绊一下。
- Compete with time.Do not let it slip by vacantly. 必须与时日竞争,切莫使时日空过。
- Don't let this good opportunity slip by. 这是个好机会,不要放过。
- A Negro boy slipped by hurrying along the coral road. 沿大路跑过来一个年轻黑人磕绊一下。
- Every morning we wake to find time slipping through our fingers. 生命万花筒>在我们一大清早起来,日子在床边和墙身间的罅隙悄悄地溜走。