- hydrological time series forecast 水文时间序列
- Abstract:It’s an important method for profiting and risk-evading to construct financial time series forecasting model. 内容提要:中国股指期货的推出指日可待,交易者多了一种投资工具的同时也带来了新的风险。
- An improved method of support vector machine and its applications to financial time series forecasting Estimate of error bounds in the improved support vector regression. 大型工程对工程机械的正常安全运行提出了更高的要求,因此,现代大型工程机械普遍采用了电子监控与故障自诊断系统。
- The model not onlyovercomes the shortage that timing series forecasting model just can do linear forecast,but also averts the disfigurements oftradition neural networks. 该模型不仅克服了时间序列预测模型只能进行线性预测的不足,而且还避免了传统神经网络的固有缺陷。
- Time series forecasting models of food-grain consumption per capita in China were scanned and selected by using SPSS, and were built based on the correlative relationship between quantity of consumption and time. 利用粮食消费量与时间之间的相关关系,采用SPSS程序包进行筛选,建立我国人均食用粮食消费的时序预测模型。
- uni-variant time series forecasting 单变量时间序列预测
- Time series forecast 时间序列预测
- nonlinear time series forecast 非线性时间序列预报
- This is called a deseasonalizing time series. 这叫调和时间数列。
- Time Series Analysis Hamilton J.D. 时间序列分析。
- Predicts the future values for a time series. 预测一个时序的未来值。
- Results A new mode of time series is established. 结果建立了一个新的时间序列模型。
- Financial Time Series Forecasting based on Nonlinear Tracking-Differentiator 基于非线性跟踪-微分器的金融时间序列预测
- The seasonal fluctuant model of assured time series is studied and applied to forecast daily traffic in campus LAN. 本文研究了确定时间序列方法中的季节变动模型,并将其应用于校园网的日流量预测。
- Chaotic Attractor-Based Time Series Forecasting Method and Its Application 基于混沌吸引子的时间序列预测方法及其应用
- A Time Series Forecasting of Food-grain Consumption Per Capita in China 中国人均食用粮食消费量的时序预测
- A Time Series Forecasting of the Trend of Total Food-grain Consumption in China 中国食用粮食消费总量的时序预测
- On the basis of chaotic time series,this paper uses the BP neural network method to forecast the power load,and analyzes the model characteristic. 在混沌时间序列的基础上,应用BP神经网络对电力负荷进行了预测,并对模型特性进行了分析。
- Tab to display the tree view of the time series model. 选项卡可以显示时序模型的树视图。
- Returns predicted future or historical values for time series data. 返回时序数据的将来或历史的预测值。