- Time passes like flowing water. 似水年华。
- Time passes like flowing water 光阴如流水
- Time passes swiftly like flowing water; Youth slips away like flowing water. 似水流年
- time passing swiftly like flowing water 似水流年
- We must value the good time which passes swiftly like flowing water. 我们要十分珍惜这似水流年的好年华。
- Time passes like a dirge, white dye alone across the face of the ear . 岁月如挽歌般逝去,划过脸庞独独染白那耳畔的青丝。
- Like flowing water it is forever in motion creating new patterns. 像流动的水它永远在运动中创造新的模式。
- Time passes like water. 年华逝水。
- The rulers of Judah are like those who take away a landmark; I will let loose my wrath on them like flowing water. 犹大的首领如同挪移地界的人,我必将忿怒倒在他们身上,如水一般。
- Should I be ask how much anguish I have found, Strange! It is like flowing water, eastward bound. 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。
- Moonlight, like flowing water,cascaded tranquilly over the lotus leaves and flowers. 薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里.;叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦
- He perused volume after volume , the dictionaries and encyclopedias passing through his hands like flowing water as he removed and replaced them. 他一本又一本地查阅着,辞典和百科全书像流水一样被取来又送回。
- I appreciate the material use like flowing water in his works, leaving a sense of freehand brushwork of ink painting (freehand brushwork is the freest and boldest way in ink painting). 我欣赏其作品中如流水般的材料运用,给人一种水墨写意画的感觉(写意是水墨画技巧中最为自由和大胆的一种)。
- The time passes all too quickly when people play cards. 当人们在玩扑克的时候,时间很快就过去了。
- How can I steal time passing like rivers always flow east 水向东流时间怎麼偷
- Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream? 谁曾梦到过美如梦一般消逝?
- Hmm, time passes slowly when you are sad. “嗯,悲伤使人觉得时间过得很慢。”
- Perceptions change over time(= as time passes). 观念随着时间的流逝而变化。
- Time passes, gets so you depend on them. 或许分离对于一个人来说也是如此吧。
- And it grows wilder and wider as time passes. 随着日月的交替,这条长河也变得更加宽广和不羁。