- Time is slipping by. 时间在悄悄流逝。
- Often I feel that life is slipping by me,and I've done nothing! 我常常觉得生命正在从身边消逝,可我还一事无成!
- What boots it to repeat how time is slipping underneath our feet? 不断空喊光阴不待人又有何益?
- Sometime I feel that life is slipping by me, and I've done nothing. 有时我感到生命从我身边悄悄消逝,而我则一事无成!
- Time is slipping away and now is not the moment for indecision. 时光飞逝,现在并不是犹豫不决的时候。
- Sometimes I feel that life is slipping by me, and I've done nothing! 有时我感到生命从我身边悄悄消逝,而我则一事无成!
- Sometimes I feel that life is slipping by me, and I've done nothing. 有时我感到生命从我身边悄悄消逝,而我则一事无成!
- We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some re-turnbe this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. 如果我们觉得时间在毫无意义的溜走,既没有娱乐价值,工作价值,也不在休息,那就会开始不停地徘徊。
- They begin to splutter and move restlessly about if they feel time is slipping away without some return -- be this in terms of pleasure,work value or rest. 如果他们感到时间在悄悄流失而一无所得时(这里的“所得”是就快乐、工作价值或休息而言),他们便开始说话激动,坐卧不宁。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- They begin to splutter and move restlessly about if they feel time is slipping away without some return -- be this in terms of pleasure, work value or rest. 如果他们感到时间在悄悄流失而一无所得时(这里的“所得”是就快乐、工作价值或休息而言),他们便开始说话激动,坐卧不宁。
- The length of our life time is measured by what we have achieved during our life. Therefore, we shall compete against time and do not let it slip by unproductively. 一个人在世间做了多少事就等于寿命有多长。因此,必须与时日竞争,切莫使时日空过。
- How did a mistake like that slip by the printers? 像那样的一个错误怎么被排字工人忽略过去了呢?
- Time is slipping away. 时间悄悄地过去了。
- A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。
- Never let a chance to improve your English slip by! 决不要让提高英语水平的机会溜掉了。
- Her time is fully occupied with her three children. 她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
- I hear it not seldom said that time is money. 我经常听到人们说,时间就是金钱。
- Time could not slip by too fast. 时间怎么过都不嫌快。
- What time is it? It is nine o'clock. 现在是几点钟?现在是九点钟。