- We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting. 我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点开会。
- Let's arrange a time and place for our next meeting. 咱们定好下次会议的时间和地点吧。
- There is no proper time and place for reading. 读书没有合宜的时间和地点。
- Appoint the time and place for the meeting. 决定开会的时间和地点吧。
- We must decide on a fit time and place for the meeting. 我们必须决定在一个适当的时间和地点召开会议。
- They have appointed the time and place for the meeting. 他们已定下了开会的时间和地点。
- Can we get the time and place for training from the program? 训练时间和场地是否在秩序册中已标明?
- The arrangement of a time and place for the meeting. 会议时间和地点的安排。
- Time and place for enrollment 报名时间、地点
- With this question solved,the question of time and place for reading is also provided with an answer. 这个问题解决之后,读书的时间和地点的问题也可以找到答案。
- You must make sure of the time and place. 你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。
- Shall we meet at the usual time and place? 我们在老地方老时间见面好吗?
- Anarchic sleepers fail to conform to convention regarding the proper time and place for sleep. 无法无天的睡眠者无法遵照传统,在适切的时间与地点睡觉。
- I love the Moonlight Sonata,but I should hate to hear it at breakfast! There's a time and place for everything. 我喜欢月光奏鸣曲,但我不喜欢吃早饭时听。什么事都得有时间和地点。
- The religious and conventional activities have supplied time and place for local dances to develop. 这些活动给民间舞蹈提供了传承的时间与场地,使它得到保持和发展。
- A gathering held at a specified time and place for the buying and selling of goods; a market. 集市:在特定时间和地点展开的买卖物品的集会;市场。
- With this question solved, the question of time and place for reading is also provided with an answer. 这个问题解决之后,读书的时间和地点的问题也可以找到答案。
- Parent-Teacher Conference will start on10/12/02. The time and place for each class conference will be posted in next week's newsletter. 老师家长座谈会将于十月十二日起举行,其时间与地点将于下周的周报公布,请各位家长密切注意。
- Let's fix up a date (a time and place ) for the meeting. 我们来决定聚会的日期(时间和场所)吧。
- Now please tell us the time and your favorite place for the party. 现在请您告诉我们宴会的时间及您认为最中意的地点。