- The autonomous region has ten professional art and dance ensembles and Tibetan opera troupes,20 county-level art troupes and more than 350 amateur performing troupes. 自治区现有专业歌舞、藏戏等艺术表演团体10个,县级文艺团体20个,业余演出队350多个;
- The autonomous region has ten professional art and dance ensembles and Tibetan opera troupes, 20 county-level art troupes and more than 350 amateur performing troupes. 自治区现有专业歌舞、藏戏等艺术表演团体10个,县级文艺团体20个,业余演出队350多个;
- Materials are being garnered on the basis of surveys for the compilation of books about Tibetan dance, folk rhymes, music in Tibetan opera and folk art, instrumental music, folk art history, folk songs, folklore and proverbs. 关于民族舞蹈、民间歌谣、藏戏音乐、曲艺音乐、器乐、曲艺、民歌、民间故事、谚语的集成志书,也在全面普查收集资料和整理编纂之中。
- In addition,Tibetan opera,which has a history of over 500 years,is well preserved and flourishing. Every year,it is included in the Shoton Festival,together with other singing,dancing and drama performances. 已有500多年历史的藏戏不仅得到保护和发扬,而且在每年的雪顿节期间与其他歌舞、话剧相映生辉,使雪顿节成为藏民族欢乐喜庆的综合艺术节。
- Materials are being garnered on the basis of surveys for the compilation of books about Tibetan dance,folk rhymes,music in Tibetan opera and folk art,instrumental music,folk art history,folk songs,folklore and proverbs. 关于民族舞蹈、民间歌谣、藏戏音乐、曲艺音乐、器乐、曲艺、民歌、民间故事、谚语的集成志书,也在全面普查收集资料和整理编纂之中。
- On the traditional Tibetan Shoton Festival in recent years,Tibetan opera and song and dance performances have been given in Tibet,together with a wide range of other colorful traditional cultural activities of popular appeal. 近几年,每逢藏族传统节日“雪顿节”,西藏都举行藏戏、歌舞演出,开展丰富多彩的群众自娱性传统文化活动。
- On the traditional Tibetan Shoton Festival in recent years, Tibetan opera and song and dance performances have been given in Tibet, together with a wide range of other colorful traditional cultural activities of popular appeal. 近几年,每逢藏族传统节日“雪顿节”,西藏都举行藏戏、歌舞演出,开展丰富多彩的群众自娱性传统文化活动。
- Thangtong Gyalpo, the creator of Tibetan opera, has said before his death: “I will become a pair of eagles to visit you at the top of Mountain Wolka Lha on each July 15th in the Tibetan calendar. 藏戏的创始人汤东杰布喇嘛在临终前说过: “在藏历每年的七月十五,我将化做一对飞鹰,到迥沃勒孜山顶上探望你们”。
- Now Tibet boasts a contingent of more than 10,000 literary and art workers, with Tibetans as the mainstay, 10 professional art and dance ensembles, 15 small professional performance teams, and over 160 amateur art ensembles and Tibetan opera troupes. 西藏全区现有以藏族为主体的文艺工作者1万余人,拥有专业艺术表演团体10个,小型专业演出队15个,业余文艺演出队和藏戏队160余个。
- Now Tibet boasts a contingent of more than 10,000 literary and art workers,with Tibetans as the mainstay,10 professional art and dance ensembles,15 small professional performance teams,and over 160 amateur art ensembles and Tibetan opera troupes. 西藏全区现有以藏族为主体的文艺工作者1万余人,拥有专业艺术表演团体10个,小型专业演出队15个,业余文艺演出队和藏戏队160余个。
- Every last ticker for the opera has been sold. 该出歌剧的票已全部售完。
- Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
- Have you heard the opera sung in French? 你听过用法语唱的这场歌剧吗?
- I like to go to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧。
- I will rather sing grand opera than listen to it. 我情愿自己唱大歌剧也不要去听它。
- They planned to go to the opera this Sunday. 他们计划这个星期天去看歌剧演出。
- Light opera usually have a happy ending. 轻歌剧通常都有一个圆满的结局。
- The opera is mainly adapted from local music. 这部歌剧主要根据当地音乐改编。
- New Proofs of the Buddhist Origin of the Traditional Tibetan Opera (1hamo) 藏戏传统剧目的佛教渊源新证
- I don't like opera; chamber music is more my style. 我不爱看歌剧,喜欢听室内乐。