- Tibetan folk religion 西藏民间宗教
- The Tibetan folk dances are diversified. 藏族的民间舞蹈以歌舞形式居多。
- More than 20 writings and books on Tibetan folk culture have been published. 20余部藏族民间文化作品和著书已经出版。
- Taoism in its unorganized form is also considered a folk religion of China. 但由于道家没有组织形式,所以通常被视作一种民间宗教。
- They brought to their poetry a familiarity with folk religion unknown or ignored in the Sanskrit texts. 他们使得他们的诗句与民间宗教紧密相连,是梵语文献所不知或忽略的。
- Marked achievements have also been made in the collection and collation of Tibetan folk literature, drama, music and choreography. 西藏的民间文学、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈的搜集整理工作也卓有成效。
- A 10-volume collection of Tibetan folk and religious arts is to be published one volume at a time. 涉及藏族民间艺术和宗教艺术的十大部文艺集成书将陆续出齐。
- Nor-Zar in Hanian folk religion and Dionysus in ancient Europe are the archetypes of tragic gods in either cultures. 中国民间信仰之哪吒与欧洲古代酒神戴奥尼索斯就是此二文化之悲剧神原型。
- As a kind of mystic ceremony of Folk religion, they have a close relationship with Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. 作为一种艺术化的民间宗教仪式,贵州傩戏与道、释、儒关系密切,其表演和传承具有神秘性。
- Marked achievements have also been made in the collection and collation of Tibetan folk literature,drama,music and choreography. 西藏的民间文学、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈的搜集整理工作也卓有成效。
- Nanping pipa playing and singing, Baima Tibetan folk songs, and Baima Tibetan folk dance music are the main types of Jiuzaigou folk songs. 南坪琵琶弹唱,白马藏族民族,白马藏族锅庄曲是九寨沟民歌的主要种类。
- Mo religion is a folk religion created by Zhuang ancestors, which is with the Bumo as its priestess, the Simo as its main sutra, and Gumo as its religious activity. 摘要麽教是以布麽为其神职人员、以司麽为其主要经典、以古麽为其主要宗教活动的壮族原生性民族民间宗教。
- The study surveys 113 folk religion temples in Gara area, and finds that the change is directly related to the consequences of urbanization in Taiwan. 旧加蚋地区位于台北市西南一角,在整个台北市中此区的宫庙神坛成长快速,研究此区有其代表性。
- Beginning at the end of the 1970s,the state conducted a large-scale systematic survey,collection and edition of the Tibetan folk cultural and art heritage. 七十年代末开始,国家又对西藏民族民间文化艺术遗产进行了大规模、有系统的普查、搜集、采录和整理工作。
- Guozhuang (during festivals or slack farm season, Tibetan men and women form a circle and move from right to left while singing and dancing) is a Tibetan folk dance. 锅庄是藏族的一种舞蹈。
- The belief in ghost of Baiyue aborigines is the main body of folk religion of South Fujian, while buddism and taoism are superficial cultral characteristics of it. 其中,百越的巫鬼崇拜是闽南民间信仰文化的主体,汉式佛道宗教是其上层文化与表征。
- Since the 1980s, a group of region-, prefecture- and city-level institutions have been set up to save, collect, research, edit and publish the Tibetan folk literary and art heritage, on a scale without parallel in history. 八十年代以来,自治区及各地、市成立了民族文化遗产抢救、整理和研究机构,展开了历史上规模空前的抢救、搜集、整理、研究、编辑、出版民族民间文学艺术遗产的工作。
- The author tries to present the basic characteristics of folk religion and the complexity of the issue of religion in China and unveil the deep involvement of the state government in the religious life of the populace. 在对“民俗宗教”予以界定、“民俗宗教”的相关问题予以阐明的基础上,作者进一步讨论了“民俗宗教”与国家宗教政策的关系。
- Since the 1980s,a group of region-,prefecture- and city-level institutions have been set up to save,collect,research,edit and publish the Tibetan folk literary and art heritage,on a scale without parallel in history. 八十年代以来,自治区及各地、市成立了民族文化遗产抢救、整理和研究机构,展开了历史上规模空前的抢救、搜集、整理、研究、编辑、出版民族民间文学艺术遗产的工作。
- The performing members of the most important Tibetan folk art styles dazzle the watching anthropologists with the staging of their premier, "the Primal Shaman Dance", a complex intertwining of myth and reality. 藏族艺术最大民间流派的艺人跳起了原始狂野的萨满之舞, 现实与神话的复杂交织,给人类学者的研究提出了挑战。