- Tibetan culture and language has to be practiced in all Tibetan areas. 在整个藏区必须实施和使用西藏的文化和语言。
- From the 11th to 15th century, Tibetan Buddhism spread and formed sects in the Tibetan areas. 公元11-15世纪,藏传佛教的各教派逐渐形成
- Legend for Ning Mapai- Gaya Guba protection of God, amongst the Tibetan areas in the first eight mountain. 传说为宁玛派分支伽居巴的保护神,位居藏区八大神山之首。
- "We believe it would be unnecessarily provocative to run the torch relay through the Tibetan areas," Bourke said. Bourke 说“我们相信,在西藏境内传递火炬徒然是挑衅性的。”
- Similarly, in the Tianzhu Tibetan areas, the main architecture building in the temple on top. 这些建筑,按其用途,分为经堂、佛殿、活佛住宅、僧舍;
- Foreign media organisations cannot report freely from Tibetan areas, so it is difficult to confirm facts from the area. 外国媒体组织不能在西藏区域内自由报道;因此我们难于确认该区域的真实情况.
- Tensions remained high today, with Tibet and largely Tibetan areas in nearby provinces under a security lockdown. 西藏的局势今天仍然高度紧张。西藏当地和周边省份藏族人口较多的地区仍然处在安全封锁之下。
- Tibetan areas are under military lockdown, one year after widespread protests against Chinese rule. 在反中国政府的抗议活动四处蔓延之后的一年里,西藏地区都处于军事封锁状态。
- Objective To investigate the relation between cysticercosis and living habit of herdmen and farmers in Tibetan area. 目的探讨西藏地区农、牧民生活习俗与包囊虫病的关系。
- If they really want to preserve and improve Tibetan culture and language, they should withdraw all the Chinese people living in Tibetan areas. 如果他们真的想保护和发展西藏的文化和语言,他们就应该把生活在藏区的汉人都撤走。
- Legend for the branch of the Nyingma gamma God to protect the Palestinian home, ranking first in Tibetan areas in eight major Kamiyama. 传说为宁玛派分支伽居巴的保护神,位居藏区八大神山之首。
- Assailants threw a bomb into a newly built police station in a Tibetan area and no injuries were reported. 一些西藏袭击者向一新建警察局投掷一炸弹,无人员伤亡报道。
- The most recent incidents to roil Tibetan areas of China occurred in March to mark the anniversary of an uprising against Chinese rule in 1959. 今年3月,西藏和藏族人居住区暴发骚乱,目的是纪念1959年反对中国政府统治的藏族暴动。
- Like in this area which is called Kham which is one of the ancient sort of Tibetan areas, in could be in quite a remote village. 像所说的这个地方叫做康巴,这是一个以前所称的藏区之一,可能发生在一个相当偏远的村子。
- Beijing has accused the Dalai Lama of masterminding several weeks of protests in Tibetan areas of China and of seeking independence for Tibet. 北京指责达赖喇嘛策划中国藏族地区历时几个星期的抗议并寻求西藏独立。
- Aim To discuss the background, system, influence and significance of Shilun seminary in Anduo Tibetan Area. 摘要目的探讨安多藏传佛教寺院中时轮学院创立的背景、制度、影响和意义。
- Arrive at present, tibetan area passes an exam hold apothecary of course of study only 11 people. 到目前,西藏区通过考试的执业药师仅11人。
- Being two important writers in Tibetan area in the new period, Zhaxidawa and A Lai are Gemini constellation shining each other. 扎西达娃和阿来是新时期藏域文坛上的两位重要作家,可谓是交相辉映的双子星座。
- The old Tibetan area has been sealed off by gun-carrying troops, but officials prefer to refer euphemistically to “special traffic-control measures”. 旧藏区已被荷枪部队封锁,但官员更愿意委婉称其“特别交管措施”。
- TASHI, 10, bends intently over the low wooden table, writing homework in the flowing Tibetan script now legally taught throughout Tibetan areas of China. 10岁的塔石(音译)伏在小木桌上用流畅的藏文专心致志地写家庭作业,如今在中国的藏区可以合法地教授藏语。