- Incomplete statistics indicate the existence of more than 200 categories of corvee taxes levied by the Gaxag (Tibetan local government). 据不完全统计,仅噶厦(西藏地方政府)征收的差税种类就达200多种。
- Any official of the Tibetan local government who offended the law was punished by the central government. 西藏地方官员犯法,亦由中央惩处。
- The death of the 13th Dalai Lama in December 1933 was reported to the central government by the Tibetan local government in the traditional manner. 1933年12月,十三世达赖喇嘛圆寂,西藏地方政府依传统旧制向中央呈报。
- In 1951,when Tibet was peacefully liberated,there were no accurate population statistics provided by Tibetan local government. 1951年,西藏和平解放时,西藏地方政府没有准确的人口统计。
- Following this event,the central government once again urged the Tibetan local government to send delegates to Beijing for negotiations. 这次事件后,中央政府再次敦促西藏地方政府派代表来北京判谈。
- Following this event, the central government once again urged the Tibetan local government to send delegates to Beijing for negotiations. 昌都解放后,中央政府再次敦促西藏地方政府派代表来北京判谈。
- After receiving a report submitted by the Tibetan local government in 1939, the central government ordered the Qinghai authorities to send troops to escort him to Lhasa. 1939年,经西藏地方政府呈报,中央政府指令青海省当局派军队把他护送至拉萨。
- After receiving a report submitted by the Tibetan local government in 1939,the central government ordered the Qinghai authorities to send troops to escort him to Lhasa. 1939年,经西藏地方政府呈报,中央政府指令青海省当局派军队把他护送至拉萨。
- In 1955,Galoin Surkang Wangqen Geleg of the Tibetan local government and others secretly plotted an armed rebellion in the Tibetan-inhabited area of Xikang Province. 1955年,西藏地方政府噶伦索康·旺清格勒等在当时的西康省藏区秘密策划煽动武装叛乱。
- But these areas were not under the jurisdiction of Tibet in the past,and the former Tibetan local government never administered any Tibetan-inhabited areas beyond Tibet. 但这些地区过去就不属西藏行政区划范围,原西藏地方政府也未曾管辖过西藏以外的其他藏族聚居区。
- The then Tibetan local government admitted that many Tibetan people lodged complaints against the rebels with it. In August 1958 alone,there were more than 70 complaints. 当时的旧西藏地方政府也承认,很多群从因遭叛乱分子残害向他们告状,仅1958年8月,就有70多起。
- When China conducted the first national census in 1953,the Tibetan local government headed by the Dalai Lama reported that there were 1 million people in Tibet. 1953年,中国进行第一次全国人口普查,当时由达赖喇嘛为首的西藏地方政府申报西藏人口为100万。
- When China conducted the first national census in 1953, the Tibetan local government headed by the Dalai Lama reported that there were 1 million people in Tibet. 1953年,中国进行第一次全国人口普查,当时由达赖喇嘛为首的西藏地方政府申报西藏人口为100万。
- But these areas were not under the jurisdiction of Tibet in the past, and the former Tibetan local government never administered any Tibetan-inhabited areas beyond Tibet. 但这些地区过去就不属西藏行政区划范围,原西藏地方政府也未曾管辖过西藏以外的其他藏族聚居区。
- The 17-Article Agreement stipulated that the central government would not use coercion to implement such reform and that it was to be carried out by the Tibetan local government on its own. “十七条协议”规定,这种改革中央不加强迫,由西藏地方政府自动进行。
- The Tibetan local government and the Bainqen's administrative body,Kampus Assembly,also sent representatives to the national assembly in 1946 called by the Nanjing national government. 西藏地方政府和班禅的行政机构堪布厅的代表,还加了南京国民政府于1946年召开的国民大会。
- The agreement also explicitly stipulated that in matters relating to reforms in Tibet,there would be no coercion on the part of the central authorities,and reform would be carried out by the Tibetan local government of its own accord. 协议还明确规定,有关西藏的各项改革事宜,中央不加强迫,西藏地方政府自动进行改革。
- In the second aggressive war against Tibet,the British army occupied Lhasa,and the 13th Dalai Lama was forced to flee from the city. The invaders compelled the Tibetan local government officials to sign the Lhasa Convention. 在第二次侵藏战争中,英军一度攻占了拉萨,十三世达赖喇嘛被迫出走,侵略者迫使西藏地方政府官员签订了《拉萨条约》。
- In the summer of 1942,the Tibetan local government,with the support of the British representative,suddenly announced the establishment of a "foreign affairs bureau," and openly carried out "Tibetan independence" activities. 1942年夏,西藏地方政府在英国代表的支持下突然宣布成立“外交局”,公开进行“西藏独立”活动。
- A conference of all ecclesiastic and secular officials and representatives of the three most prominent monasteries was called by the Tibetan local government between September 26 and 29,1951 to specifically discuss the agreement. 1951年9月26日至29日,西藏地方政府召开有全体僧俗官员、三大寺代表参加的大会,专门讨论协议问题。