- The little girl is afraid of thunder and lightning. 这小女孩害怕雷声和闪电。
- Mother is all of a flutter because of thunder and lightning. 由于电闪雷鸣,妈妈感到十分不安。
- The thunder and lightning died away in heavy rain. 雷电在暴雨中渐渐减弱了。
- There are thunder and lightning during the storm. 暴风雨来临时,雷电交加。
- To protect her from thunder and lightning. 在电闪雷鸣的时候保护她。
- Many children are afraid of thunder and lightning. 许多孩子都怕打雷和闪电。
- The goddess in charge of thunder and lightning. 电之母,负责掌管雷电。
- The thunder and lightning died awayin heavy rain. 雷声和闪电消逝,暴雨来临。
- Many children are afraid of thunder and lightning . 许多孩子都怕打雷和闪电。
- There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning. 那发生了一场大暴风雨,伴随着雷鸣和闪电。
- Thunder and lightning harm 雷电危害
- There are a lot of thunder and lightning during the storm. 暴风雨来时,雷电交加。
- The rain pours down, accompanied by thunder and lightning. 这雨下得不小,还伴有闪电和雷声。
- The weather changed, and a storm of thunder and lightning ensued. 天气突变,来了一场雷电交加的暴雨。
- The Gods of Thunder and Lightning Shatter the whole range. 列缺霹雳, 邱峦崩摧
- Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. 有时候会有夹着雷鸣闪电的暴风雨。
- Thunder and lightning are caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt. 雷和闪电是当宙斯投掷他的霹雳而产生的。
- A brief rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning. 雷阵雨伴有雷声和闪电的短促暴雨
- They say marriages are made in heaven,but so are thunder and lightning. 他们说婚姻是上天安排的,但打雷和闪电又何尝不是。
- There is a strong wind and heavy rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. 风很大,大雨伴着打雷和闪电。