- Throw away that break dish. 把那破碟子甩掉。
- Throw away that broken dish. 把那破碟子甩掉。
- Don't throw away that mantou. I can eat it. 不要把馒头扔了,给我吃。
- Throw away that railway timetable; it's months out of date. 把那张火车时刻表扔了,它已过时几个月了。
- You threw away that last line,no one could hear you. 你把最后一行轻轻带过去了,没人会听见的。
- You threw away that last line, no one could hear you. 你把最后一行轻轻带过去了,没人会听见的。
- Make sure you throw away that chipped mug and enjoy your cuppa from a mug or cup that you love to look at, touch and sip from. 请将有缺口的杯子扔掉,请用你喜欢的,爱不释手并忍不住啜饮一口的杯子饮茶。
- Be careful not to cut yourself on that broken dishes. 小心不要被破掉的碗盘割伤了。
- When your clay bar is "full" or has been dropped, we recommend you throw away that piece and utilize new piece of clay to avoid scratching the surface of your paint. 当它里面充满了灰尘或者掉在了地上,我们建议您把它扔了,换一块新的,以防止它划伤车身。
- Don't throw away your savings on shares that will be worthless in a few years. 别把你的积蓄浪费在几年后不值钱的股票上去。
- Don't throw away anything that may be of use. 别把任何可能有用的东西扔掉。
- If he wants to throw his money away that's his lookout. 如果他要乱花钱,那是他自己的事。
- You must take the exam-you can't throw away all that work! 你必须参加考试,不能把你所做的这一切都白费了。
- I must see to that broken window. 我得去留意一下那扇破窗。
- He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。
- It is true that North America is a throw away society. 北美洲确实是个实践"用了就丢"的社会。
- She mended a broken dish with glue. 她用胶把破掉的碟子粘好了。
- He threw away the chance of a good job. 他错过了得到一份好工作的机会。
- Do not throw away your advantages . 不要放弃你的有利条件。
- You cannot throw away this opportunity! 你不能放过这个机会!