- Sometimes you could throw all caution to the wind and try something new, such as an exotic and aromatic viognier, or some great European food wines such as tempranillo, petit verdot or a sangiovese. 有时候您可以完全不管这些,来尝试一些新的东西,如有异国风味的芬芳型维欧尼,或者是一些著名的欧洲佐餐酒,如坦普拉尼洛、小味儿多或桑娇维赛。
- The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds. 唯一可做的事情就是不顾一切豁出去。
- Throw all caution to the winds 毫不顾忌
- You must decide whether to support this project with your money. I'd throw caution to the winds,if I were you,and back it. 你必须决定是否用你的钱来支持这项工程。如果我是你,我将不顾一切,全力支持。
- I believe any parents be in troubles, their families will throw caution to the winds to rescue them as soon as they know that. 我相信任何父母陷入危险,只要他们的子女知道,他们都会不顾一切的去援救。
- He threw caution to the winds and began arguing with the manager. 他什么也不顾了,和经理争辩起来。
- I'm not suggesting we throw caution to the wind, surrender our standards or accept shoddy work. 我不是建议我们去把警惕抛到九霄云外,放弃标准,或者去接受粗制滥造的工作结果。
- Rick had always thrown caution to the wind when it came to money. 李克花钱从来都是大手大脚。
- It was foggy on the mountain but the climbers threw caution to the winds and set off for the summit. 山上雾很大,但是登山者们不顾一切地向顶峰进发。
- throw all restraint to the winds 极为放肆
- He threw caution to the wind and dived into the water after the child. 他奋不顾身跳进水里去救小孩。
- The road was dangerously slick with ice, but when I saw the last bus was about to leave, I threw caution to the winds and broke into a run. 道路上结了冰,非常滑,一不小心就会摔倒,但是当我看见最后一趟公共汽车就要开了的时候,就不顾一切,撒腿向它跑去。
- At this all his selfrestraint went to the winds. 听到这之后,他完全失去了自制。
- This time I fling caution to the winds and I will treat you in the five-star hotal. 这次我豁出去了,到五星级大饭店请你们吃一顿。
- Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. 可怜的约翰处于风雨交加之中。
- I wasn't sure whether Ella loved me or not,but she was leaving-perhaps for good. I decided to fling caution to the winds and ask her to marry me. 我不能确定埃拉是不是爱我。但是她要走了,也许是一去不回头了。我决定豁出去向她求婚。
- Hearing that the enemies were planning to start a war,they decided to fling caution to the winds and attack the enemies first. 他们听说敌人在做战前部署,决定冒险先行袭击。
- The wind has veered round to the north recently. 近日风向已转北了。
- She would cast all caution to winds, rush into his room, kneel at his feet, tell him her whole bitter story, beg him to save her. 她想不顾一切地跑进房里,跪在他的面前,向他哭诉她的痛苦,并且哀求他把她从不幸的遭遇中拯救出来。
- I wasn't sure whether Ella loved me or not, but she was leaving-perhaps for good. I decided to fling caution to the winds and ask her to marry me. 我不能确定埃拉是不是爱我。但是她要走了,也许是一去不回头了。我决定豁出去向她求婚。