- Mr Yang, however, united the panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in the west to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll. 象杨和岳先生那样,西自白帝城,东至葛洲坝,将瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡的三峡全貌,洋洋洒洒的尽收于一纸画卷,实属少见。
- Navigation test in flood season on the reach between Three Gorges Dam and Gezhou Dam in Yangtze River 长江三峡两坝间河段汛期通航试验研究
- Shore Excursion For Three Gorges Dam. 上岸参观三峡大坝。
- China Admits Three Gorges Dam Could. 中国承认三峡大坝可引发生态灾难。
- Three Gorges Dam is a world-wide project. 三峡大坝是世界著名的工程。
- Three Gorges Dam is a world-wide project . 三峡大坝是世界著名的工程。
- Three Gorges Dam:Another wonder on the Earth. 三峡大坝:地球上又一大奇观的崛起。
- The Three Gorges Dam in Hubei is ----meters long? 湖北三峡长多少米?不是长江三峡!
- From the Three Gorges Dam project on the 38 km. 上距三峡工程坝址38公里。
- One case is China's Three Gorges Dam. 中国的三峡大坝就是一个例子。
- Jianqiang Liu on a potential catastrophe at the Three Gorges dam. 刘鉴强报道三峡工程带来的潜在生态灾难。
- No damage has been reported to the massive Three Gorges Dam. 没有关于三峡大坝的伤害报到。
- Itwill take them more than ten years to complete the Three Gorges Dam. 他们要用十多年的时间来完成三峡大坝工程。
- After GeZhou dam impoundment,the firth which had characteristic of lake and reservoir comes into being in Huangbaihe lower reach. 葛洲坝水库蓄水以后,在黄柏河下游形成具有湖库特征的库湾。
- To settle the transmigrants from the Three Gorges. 安置三峡移民。
- Wushan- shore excursion to the lesser three gorges. 小三峡游览。
- China Three Gorges Project Corp. 周三称,中国三峡工程总公司。
- We'll go on a trip to the Three Gorges this summer. 今年夏天我们将去三峡旅游。
- Forestclearing in Three Gorges is on the countdown. 三峡林木清库进入倒计时。
- The Three Gorges Project is under construction. 三峡工程正在建设之中。