- We find these three marks of what the world is in Eve in Paradise. 我们发现在伊甸园里,世界的这三个标记都在夏娃里面。
- Three mark genes ofstem cells were identified by RT-PCR, nestin and NST were high positiveexpression and Oct-4 was low positive expression. 采用RT-PCR方法鉴定了三个干细胞标志基因,其中nestin和NST为高表达基因,而Oct-4为弱表达基因。
- In OCR, an extraneous mark extending outward from a character past the stroke edge of the character. 在光符识别(OCR)中,超过字符笔画的边缘,由字符向外延伸的额外多余的笔迹。
- Under the foreign exchange cattail, there are still two markets a black market and en called NDF market, While three marks have great differences. 摘要在外汇管制的条件下,与我国正式外汇市场并存的还包括境内的外汇黑市和境外的人民币远期不交割合约市场。
- There are three juries. The 1st marks the technique, the 2nd artistic impression and the 3rd execution. The three marks are then tallied to give a final score. 裁判员共有三名。第一个为技术值评分,第二个为艺术值评分,而第三个则为完成值评分。随后将这三项评分相加,算出最后得分。
- This article discusses a method of extending EXE file and COM file based on the analy-sis of loading the DOS executive file, simultaneously shows a template of extending the exec-utive file and gives full detail of the extending process. 本文在分析DOS加载其可执行文件的基础上,讨论了一种扩充COM文件和EXE文件的方法,详叙了扩充过程的细节,并为扩充DOS的可执行文件提供一个样板。
- They extended the road for three more miles. 他们把那条路又延长了3英里。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- They extended the road for three more miles . 他们把那条路又延长了3英里。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。
- Study on the Measurement of Free NCO During Chain Extended Process of Cationic Waterborne Polyurethane 阳离子水性聚氨酯制备过程中游离NCO基含量的测定研究
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那辆火车三点钟准时到达。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- The earthwork was cast up in three hours. 土方工程在三小时内就完成了。
- It's three blocks straight ahead. 一直往前走过三个街区就是。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- Three people can sit in the back of this car. 这车的后座可坐3个人。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- He is on night duty three days a week. 他一个星期要上三天夜班。