- There are only three things in the world that women do not understand,and they are Liberty,Equality,and Fraternity. 世上有三件女人所不了解的事情,那就是:自由、平等、博爱。
- There are only three things in the world that women do not understand, and they are Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. 世上有三件女人所不了解的事情,那就是:自由、平等、博爱。
- Happy birthday, Darling. You are the dearest thing in the world. 生日快乐,亲爱的。你是世上最可爱的人。
- He takes the cross and dips it in the hole. 他拿着十字架,在冰窟窿里浸一浸。
- He found an untidy jumble of things in the drawer. 他发现抽屉里面在一大堆乱七八糟的东西。
- Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl are the rarest things in the world. 次于真知灼见者,为钻石与珍珠为世上最罕有之物耳。
- Three Things in the Cross 十架所见三件事
- Leave these things in the sun,they will soon dry. 把这些东西放在太阳底下,它们很快会变干的。
- The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island. 泊在港内的渡轮增强了锅炉的汽压,准备驶向那个岛屿。
- They came to the same thing in the issue. 到头来它们是一回事。
- I can't see a thing in the dark room. 屋子里黑漆漆的,我什么也看不见。
- I must do it the first thing in the morning. 我早上首先就要做这件事情。
- How are things in the electronic business? 电子业最近如何?
- We covered lots of things in the meeting. 我们在会上谈论了很多事情。
- You must clear out the things in the cupboard. 你必须把壁橱里的东西清除一空。
- They learn a lot of things in the kindergarten. 主动句:他们在幼儿园里学了很多东西。
- I burned all the good things in the eden eye! 我在伊甸园的风眼里焚烧所有的好东西!
- She put all the things in the bag anyhow. 她随便地把所有东西都塞到袋子里。
- Do I have to leave all my things in the cloakroom? 我要把所有的东西留在寄物处吗?
- I've got two or three things in hand just now. There's a rather splendid nude, actually. 目前我手头上有那么两三幅。其实,还有一幅顶呱呱的裸体画呢。