- Three Gods in one God 在一位神中有三位神
- Belief in one god without denying the existence of others. 单一神教信奉一个主神,但同时也不否认他神存在的信仰
- Wisdom the Father, Wisdom the Son, Wisdom the Holy Ghost;one God and not three Gods;one Lord the Holy Trinity discovered in three hypostases. 三位一体的神实在太奥秘了,如果这样的疑问有错谬之处求神看在孩子的有限和愚昧的份上,赦免我。
- The union of three divine persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one God. 三位一体三个分开的人合为一体圣父、圣子、圣神合成一神
- Sanshan Gods, which means three gods of mountains, allegedly refers to the three mountain gods in Jin Mt., Ming Mt., and Du Mt., Guang Dong Province.There are many legends about the three gods. 三山国王乃广东省潮州府霖田都巾山、明山、独山三座山神的总称,自古以来有诸多有关三山国王的传说,皆言三位山神保护官民并协助平定乱事,故被皇帝敕封为三山护国王。
- In spite of her earlier prejudices she knew now that he and she had one god in common-Art. 她以前对他虽有成见,可是现在她知道,他和她有一个共同的崇拜对象一就是艺术。
- Followers of Judaism,Christianity and Islam all believe in one God:a single all-powerful being who created everything. All three religions trace their orgins to the prophet Abraham. 匆忙之间又在图书馆里转了转;很多人带着笔记本电脑在图书馆的小桌椅上;拿着借出的书翻看着.
- There is America, hit by God in one of its softest spots.Its greatest buildings were destroyed, thank God for that. 我对美国政府和它的人民进言如下:我向真主发誓,如果巴勒斯坦不能实现和平,美国也永无宁日;
- And might reconcile both to God in one body by the cross, killing the enmities in himself. 他以十字架诛灭了仇恨,也以十字架使双方合成一体,与天主和好。
- The followers of Islam are Muslims.They believe in one God (Allah in Arabic) and that Muhammad is His Prophet. 它的顺从者也叫“穆斯林”,他们信仰一个神(阿拉伯语叫“安拉”),穆罕默德(含意为“受到高度赞扬”)是神的先知。
- Tony ,one of the gods in H field.I love his works. 谁是托尼?漫画的作者?);H域诸神之一.;我喜欢他的作品
- The work must be finished in one way or another. 这件事必须设法做好。
- Judaism has several features in common with Christianity and Islam, including the belief in one God. 犹太教跟基督教及伊斯兰教有很多共同的特性,包括信祇有一个神。
- He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握着刀向这里跑来。
- Please do not loiter in one street after school. 放学后,请不要在街头徘徊。
- If the caster is a follower of one of those three gods. 如果施法者是死亡三神的追随者。
- Neither Muhammad nor Jesus came to change the Basic doctrine of the Belief in one God, Brought by earlier prophets, But rather to confirm and renew it. 穆罕默德及耶稣都未变更较早的先知所传播的一个真主基本信仰,并加以确认且未曾变更。
- She did her washing in one of the outhouses. 她在户外的一间小屋里洗衣服。
- For thousands of years people have believed in one God who created the entire universe.zOf course there are those who do not believe and demand proof. 千百年以来,人们一直都相信是上帝创造了整个宇宙,当然也不乏有不相信或者是要求证据的人。
- He was in one of his uncontrollable furies. 他怒不可遏。