- The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。
- I gave the car a thorough going-over. 我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。
- He is rather slow but very thorough. 他动作虽慢但非常细心。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- That has been a thorough waste of time. 这是十足的浪费时间。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- He's a slow worker but very thorough. 他做事慢,但非常仔细。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- A thorough physical examination. 体格检查彻底的身体检查
- The film was a thorough success. 这电影获得极大的成功。
- We'll give the house a thorough cleaning. 我们要把房子彻底打扫一番。
- You should be thorough in your work. 你应该对工作毫不马虎。
- He should complete at this moment. 此刻他应该已经完成了。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- She is not brilliant, but she is thorough. 她并非才华横溢,但很仔细。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- She spoke about her fears with complete frankness. 她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。