- It is estimated that this trend will continue in the years to come. 据估计这种趋势将与日俱增。
- Most forecasts predict that this trend will continue, perhaps until unionism is confined to museums and history books. 大部分预测称这一趋势将持续下去,直至工会主义仅存在于博物馆和历史书中。
- Mahaney said: "Google's revenue, or deteriorating health, this trend will continue through at least the third quarter. 马汉尼称:“谷歌的内生营收涨幅每况愈下,这种趋势将至少持续到第三季度。”
- Currently attract investors cities including Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Sendai, and this trend will continue until 2005. 目前吸引投资者的城市包括大阪、神户、名古屋、仙台,这个趋势将延续到2005年。
- Whether this trend will continue at the expense of smaller retailers is hard to say, Mudd notes. 是否这种趋势将继续下去,在牺牲了小型零售商是很难说的, mudd笔记。
- TSMC anticipates this trend will continue as the company continues to move up the list for the next several years. 台积公司预期在未来的数年内,这个趋势将会持续的攀升。
- In fact, since early 2008, Coface to receive payment of corporate debt to increase the number of cases, and this trend will continue. 事实上,自2008年初以来,科法斯接收的企业拖欠债款的案件数增加,而且这一趋势仍将继续。
- We hope that this market trend will continue. 希望这种市场趋势会继续。
- We hoped that this market trend will continue. 希望市场形势能够继续保持。
- This trend of developments will continue. 这种变化还会继续下去。
- This trend will continue. 这个趋势将继续下去。
- J: Do you think the trend will continue? 你想这种趋势还会维持下去吗?
- A spokesman says it's too early to determine if this trend will last or something esle may be in the works. 一发言人称现在就判断这个趋势是否会持续以及其中是否有其他因素还为时过早。
- The stock price which has started to move in an up trend will continue to do so until something happens to change the supply-demand balance. 股价会因此继续上升直到供应与需求的平衡出现变化。
- These two trends will continue to exist in the CIS in a new form. 两种倾向还将在独联体内以新的形式继续发展.
- Once a stocks price starts moving up, the trend will continue until there is a clear reversal. 一旦股票价格开始上升,这一趋势将持续下去,直到有一个明确的逆转。
- Tennis is one of the hottest sports in the Chinese market place, do you think the growing trend will continue or the saturation is reached? 网球是当前中国最火热的运动之一,您认为网球运动在中国的市场前景如何?
- Tourist and business arrivals in the region have reached a height never seen before and all indications show the trend will continue. 旅游和商务旅客在该地区已经达到了高度以前从未见过,所有迹象表明这一趋势将持续下去。
- This trend will come at a time when the public health system in many countries is already vastly overstretched and underfunded. 在许多国家的公共卫生系统已经大大超负荷运转且面临供资不足时,这种趋势将会到来。
- Hopefully early adopters of the Internet such as the United States will continue investment in Internet infrastructure improvements and not let this trend languish. 希望互联网的先行者(比如美国),将会继续在互联网的基础设施上投资,不让这种趋势衰竭。