- This stain can be removed. 这个污渍能洗掉。
- These ink stains can be removed. 这些墨水污迹可以去掉。
- These tea stains can be removed. 这些茶渍可以去掉。
- Laundryman: No problem. These ink stains can be removed. 洗衣店男工:没问题。这些墨水污迹可以去掉。
- Grass stains can be removed by wiping the article over with methylated spirits.Repeat until the stain is gone and wash. 甲基化酒精可用来擦除物品上的草渍;多擦几次草渍就会消失;然后将物品洗干净即可.
- Stains can be removed by using an eraser, sandpaper or a mild soapy solution. 清除污迹,可使用橡皮擦、砂纸打磨,采用或中性肥皂液。
- Stains can be removed before the paint is dry with cold water and soapy solution. 污渍可在干之前,用冷水和皂液擦掉。
- Stains can be removed by using an eraser, fine sandpaper, soap, dishwashing detergent or paint thinner. 清除污迹可使用橡皮擦,细砂纸,肥皂,餐具清洁剂或漆料稀释剂。
- Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution, or with a fine sandpaper. 清除一般污迹,可使用含有皂液的潮湿海绵块擦拭,或使用细砂纸。
- Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution. 轻度污迹可用海绵块沾水擦洗,或使用中性肥皂。
- Light stains can be removed with textile cleaner or a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution. 轻微的污渍可使用纺织品清洁剂或使用蘸上水或中性皂液的海绵清洗。
- You must reboot the machine before this component can be removed. 删除这个组件前,您必须重新启动机器。
- Even firmly adhered stains can be removed readily; preventing whites yellowing; easily be rinsed; save water, time and labour. 本品对顽固的污垢具强有力的脱除力,可防白色织物泛黄,容易漂清,省水、省时、省力。
- I am afraid you must wash out this stain. 恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。
- They can be removed from deployment and stored. 而是停止调用,保存起来。
- Also, the inner lining can be removed. 而且内层可被拆除。
- That can be removed or taken away or dismissed. 能够被移动、去除或解职的。
- Can anyone shed any light on how this stain came to be on the new carpet? 有人能解释新地毯上的污点是怎样弄上去的吗?
- Grease marks can be removed with liquid detergent. 用洗涤液可除去油渍。
- The drive can be removed from the drive. 移动存储器。