- This bike is light and handy. 这辆车骑起来真轻巧。
- This bike is light, strong and, above all, inexpensive. 这部脚踏车既轻又坚固,最重要的是价格不贵。
- The pair designed for commemoration purpose is light and handy, emphasizing the decorative feature of the design. 为了纪念目的打造的盔甲外形轻巧,强调设计的装饰性。
- This bike is designed to handle normal wear and tear. 自行车被设计用来解决日常的劳累。
- This room is light and spacious. 这间屋子很敞亮。
- This bike is not so good as that one. 这辆自行车不及那辆好。
- This wastepaper basket today is light and handy, with a very small hole for the wastepaper to be thrown into the basket - although small, the hole is sufficiently big enough for that purpose. 今天这个废纸篓非常的轻便,其扔废纸的入口非常的小,仅仅是一个小洞,当然扔废纸这小洞也足够了。
- Painted, this bike is as good as a new one. 油漆后,这辆自行车和新的一样。
- This metal is light and workable and ductile. 这种金属既轻,又易加工,延展性也好。
- The overcoat made of wool is light and warm. 羊毛做成的大衣既轻又暖和。
- The conversation is light and gay. 谈话轻松愉快。
- But low speed dawdling is not at all what this bike is about, is it? 但低速顸,是不是这回事,这是自行车约,是吗?
- Beat the mixture well , until it is light and creamy. 充分搅拌混合物,直到它松软得像奶油一样。
- Your soul is light and Its personality is pure love. 你的灵魂是光,它的“人格”是纯净的爱。
- It is light and airy.It is large and clean and comfortable. 那是光线充足,空气流通的,那是大而干净,又是舒适的。
- Birds thigh bone very thin light and handy, bear health weight only while being daily, while gambolling, there is good elasticity . 鸟类腿骨纤细而轻巧,日常仅承受身体重量,雀跃时,有良好的弹性。
- The bun is light and toasty, even though it began life as seaweed. 包子既轻又好吃,虽然它开始生长的时候是海草。
- Have you got any proof that you own this bike? 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的?
- It is light, compact, handy and easy to handel. 她轻便、紧凑、灵巧、好用。
- Cylinder has cover board and web cleaner fixed in front and at back. Takerin dehairing board adopts aluminium section structure. Accessories are light and handy and dust-absorbing effect is good. 锡林前后固定盖板及棉网清洁器,刺辊分梳板等采用铝型材结构,零件轻巧,吸尘杂效果好。